The Importance of Self Motivation in a Sober Life
Here are the facts...If you stay sober for more than a year your chances of relapse go down by half and after 5 years, you have less than a 15% chance of relapsing. With that being said, it isn't going to be easy, but nothing worth fighting for ever is.
That is why self-motivation is such a vital component of your sobriety. We are going to discuss the key things you need to remember when trying to motivate yourself to hold on to your sobriety. So, if you are ready to learn more then let's get started!
What Is Motivation
Sobriety can get ugly. It isn't all Big Book success stories and triumph days. There are going to be days that make you want to quit and days when you come close. Motivation is pushing yourself to fight for your sobriety even when no one else is there to push with you.
This type of motivation is Intrinsic motivation. It is the driving force that is inside of you to motivate yourself to stay sober. It is something that will be wavering at times, however, it is your compass for maintaining your sober life.
Sobriety Is a Journey Not a Race
From the moment you decide that you are going to get sober until the day you die you will be on the journey of recovery. This includes getting your first chip, fighting the fight to use, and getting into a program. All of these steps don't happen overnight.
You must prepare yourself to fight for you and your sobriety. As time goes on and the years pass you will be less likely to relapse, however, you have to continue to motivate yourself. Keeping up with meetings and support groups is essential to your sobriety no matter how long you have been sober.
You Have to Make the Right Choices
The temptation is always going to be around when you are living a sober life. Whether it is a group of friends that are toxic to your sobriety or a life-altering event that makes you want to use, you and only you can make the choice that is right for you. This is why maintaining motivation during sobriety is such a key factor in staying sober.
While you should rely on sponsors and meeting to a certain extent, at the end of the day, it is you who will make the final choice. When you motivate yourself and receive help from support systems you will be more likely to stay clean and avoid relapse.
Self Motivation and Sobriety
Self-motivation is such a crucial element of sobriety. Finding the strength to push on even when you feel like you can't is how you stay sober. As we said, it isn't easy, but it is worth it!
From finding online meetings to finding the literature you need to stay sober we have it all! Visit us today to get the resources you need to maintain your sober life.