How to Cope With Alcohol Withdrawal

How to Cope With Alcohol Withdrawal

How to Cope With Alcohol Withdrawal

It is important to be properly prepared if you are planning to detox from alcohol at home. This is how to cope with alcohol withdrawal.

Keyword(s): alcohol withdrawal

Alcohol is one of the most abused drugs across the nation. With death tolls rising well above 90,000 per year, alcohol is the third most preventable cause of death in the U.S. 

Withdrawing from alcohol usage is one of the most courageous steps that one can take. However, many people try to embark on this journey alone. While that might seem admirable, it can get very tough when you start feeling the effects of alcohol withdrawal.

This article will help you find some ways to cope with alcohol withdrawal at home.

What Is Alcohol Withdrawal?

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are vast in number, but there are some that are commonly found among all users. These symptoms include the following:

  • tremors, aka "alcohol shakes"
  • headaches
  • shaking
  • nausea 
  • sweating

Keep in mind that not everyone who detoxes by themself will feel all of these symptoms. 

In more severe cases, alcohol withdrawal might lead to hallucinations, seizures, or even delirium tremens.

How Long Does it Last?

Depending on how frequently alcohol was used, withdrawal can last in varying degrees. Signs of alcohol withdrawal are typically felt within hours of abstaining from alcohol usage.

Frequent users will probably start experiencing delirium tremens 10 days after their last drink. This can last up to two weeks.

If symptoms still occur after two weeks, it's diagnosed as post-acute withdrawal symptoms (PAWS). 

Withdrawal severity also depends on how fast you quit. Listed below are some ways to help cope with alcohol withdrawal. 

Taper Off Alcohol

Quitting cold turkey is probably the worst quitting method you can do. It severely worsens the symptoms and can even prolong them.

That's why creating a tapering schedule is the best way to cut out alcohol. Tapering includes slightly reducing alcohol intake over time, such as having one drink every day or two instead of three drinks a day. 

Do take caution when tapering alcohol, though. It's mostly recommended for light users or those with a slight dependency on it. 

Severe alcohol users need to be professionally detoxed.

Surround Yourself With Positivity 

If you're trying to cut out alcohol, please do so in the right environment. Let your friends and family know that you're going through a change in life and abstain from talking to anyone who doesn't support your choices. Of course, that's not always possible, but do the best you can.

Try and get involved in a group, such as alcohol anonymous or a therapy group. Encourage your drinking friends to go on a 30-day challenge with you. Ask your partner to stop you if you have too many drinks.

Try to focus on what makes you feel happy and in the moment. Activities that help with this are meditation, walking, exercise, dance, and more.

Find a Healthy Alternative

Distractions are a great tool to take away from alcohol dependence. We recommend replacing the word distraction with replacements.

When your mind thinks of replacements instead of distractions, it takes away some of the fear you'll fear when thinking about alcohol. Listed below are some possible healthy replacements:

  • Learning to cook
  • Playing a musical instrument
  • Taking up a sport
  • Finding some peace and quiet time alone
  • Artistic crafts such as painting

Get Help

However much you think you can handle alcohol withdrawal alone, it's always better to seek professional help. There are dozens of therapists and rehab centers across the nation that are ready to take you in with open arms.

Don't be ashamed of your alcohol usage. We all have something in life we have to deal with. The good thing is that help is right around the corner.

You're Not in This Alone

Recovery is an equally rewarding and challenging process. But you don't have to go through it by yourself. There are plenty of more ways to handle alcohol withdrawal at home, but the best thing to do is to seek help.

Rewarding yourself is also a key part. At The Token Shop, you can get yourself milestone tokens that remind you of how far you've gone. Alternatively, you can have someone get them for you if you make it to a certain point without alcohol.

We welcome you to visit our shop here.

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