Looking for an additional or optional way to encourage continuous sobriety for yourself or your group? Here is an excellent way to do it. The Token Shop gladly presents the Sobriety Slogan Wristband that is available in a stylish array colors and is a sure reminder that we are 'bound' to sobriety!
We began our journey into sober living One Day At A Time and we continue to stay sober that way too! One Day At A Time is our original Slogan Wristband.
Sobriety Wristbands are available in an array of different color choices.
PLEASE NOTE: The manufacturer has advised that all swirl type wristbands will give a random mix of colors that result from the colors that are selected. For example: Pink and Blue swirl will have some purple mixed in the band. This effect can not be controlled and is not considered to be defective.Also the pattern for the colors for swirl bands will be random for any order. We can not promise an exact match of color sequence which includes how much or how little of each color is in the band.
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