5 Warning Signs of Alcohol Relapse

Substance abuse is a serious issue that millions of people struggle with on a daily basis. And while many alcoholics strive toward sobriety, the path to recovery is never easy.

Staying sober requires commitment and discipline. It also means that you need to focus on good habits that will help create a more healthy lifestyle. The key is to surround yourself with supportive friends and family and to realize that temptation exists around every corner.

This article takes a look at relapse warning signs that perhaps the alcoholic in your life has begun drinking again. Keep reading to learn how to recognize when someone has failed to maintain their sobriety. 

1. A Change in Behavior

When an alcoholic starts drinking again, it will show up in their behavior. There will also be a distinct shift in their moods. When someone is in recovery, a sudden relapse will be very obvious. 

Staying sober isn't easy, and once they give in to temptation, they will feel shame but they will also fall into familiar patterns.

2. Exhibiting Poor Judgment

Poor judgment and a general loss of control are very typical of someone who has relapsed. Alcohol is a powerful drug that deeply impacts the way the mind operates.

An alcoholic who has relapsed will begin making decisions that put their own well-being at risk, and often the lives of others will be at risk as well. 

3. Missing Work and Other Appointments

Another clear sign that an alcoholic has relapsed is when they begin to constantly fail to show up for work and other important commitments. Keep in mind that addicts who have relapsed are no longer in full control of themselves. They have given control back to their addiction.

If you believe a loved one has relapsed, pay close attention to their daily behavior. Do they answer phone calls? Do they fail to respond promptly to texts or answer the door? Alcoholics have a way of suddenly falling off the radar. So don't ignore these warning signs.

4. Showing Symptoms of Withdrawal

When you notice the symptoms of withdrawal beginning to surface, this is the time to remove sources of stress and temptation from their lives in an effort to prevent relapse.

Just keep in mind that you can't control the alcoholic in your life, so don't try. They are responsible for their own behavior and have to be willing to deal with their own recovery. In other words, you can't do the work for them. 

5. Denial

It's very typical for an alcoholic to deny that they're having a problem maintaining their sobriety. This denial is a sure sign that they could be on the verge of relapse, so don't be fooled.

Learning to Recognize Common Relapse Warning Signs

It's important to offer support to the alcoholic in your life. Learning to recognize relapse warning signs can help you know when it's time to step in and try to help them maintain their sobriety before it's too late.

Click here to learn some important facts about the role of nutrition in sobriety.