Sober Fun! 5 Awesome Activities You Can Enjoy without Alcohol

Sober Fun! 5 Awesome Activities You Can Enjoy without Alcohol

Addiction is often dubbed a disease of isolation. Considering the current pandemic situation, you may be struggling to stay sober. Your day-to-day distractions have likely decreased, and your free time has increased. Your alone, bored, and stuck at home.

On top of that, you're likely dealing with Covid-related stressors, too.

It's overwhelming, but you can overcome this. Read on to learn five awesome sober fun activities you can enjoy even amidst a pandemic.

1. Learn a New Skill or Hobby

Thanks to Covid-19, Americans have learned how powerful the internet is. Rather than going to a physical location, you can learn from the comfort of your home!

That means it's the perfect time to take up a new hobby or learn a new skill. All you need to do is find a virtual course! If you've already got a passion or hobby, there's always room to improve your skills.

2. Join a Virtual Workout Group

Getting physically healthy is a major milestone in your recovery. Staying healthy by remaining active can help you remain sober. Not only will it keep your mind busy, but it will help your body stay strong, too.

In the age of Covid-19, you can workout from home. Consider joining a virtual workout group to stay social and hold yourself accountable.

3. Throw a Virtual Sobriety Party

Sobriety is really tough, but it can be even harder to know how to congratulate someone. Throwing a virtual sobriety party is a great option during this pandemic!

Use a video platform to get your friends together. Then, order a pizza or other takeout and have them delivered to your friend's houses. Celebrate together with some music and good food. While you won't be physically close, you'll all feel the love.

4. Immerse Yourself in a Video Game

The stereotypical gamer appears isolated, but that's not so true in 2021. In today's world, you can remain social while playing online games with your friends.

Why not pick up the latest online game and get immersed in an online world?

5. Start a Book Club

Do you enjoy reading? If so, then now is the perfect time to start a book club! Get together with a few of your friends and pick a book to read together. Each week, read a chapter or two and then discuss what happened with your group.

More Sober Fun Activities Await

Sober fun at the height of the coronavirus pandemic may seem out of reach. Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures, though! The above five activities are all pandemic-friendly, so take your pick and plan out a fun night!

Once the pandemic subsides, you'll likely feel all kinds of relief. You'll be able to enjoy the public activities you could before, and you won't feel as restricted as you do now.

The pandemic may have set you back on your recovery goals. Are you in need of some extra support? If so, then you'll be happy to hear that AA is hosting virtual online meetings. Join a meeting and buy your next sobriety token to recommit to your goals.