How to Stay Motivated Through the AA Process

How to Stay Motivated Through the AA Process

How to Stay Motivated Through the AA Process

The AA process can take some time. Here's everything you need to know about how to stay motivated through the entire AA process.

Keyword(s): AA Process

Going through the AA process will be the most worthwhile thing a person with alcohol addiction can do, but it's also very likely to be the single hardest thing you have ever done. Relapses are common, in fact, they're expected, over 85% of people getting addiction treatment will relapse within their first year of treatment. 

The key is to stay focused and motivated in your recovery. If you can avoid a relapse, then that is a fantastic thing and a cause for celebration. If you can't, just remember it's not the end of the world and you just need to work a bit harder on staying motivated. 

Here are some excellent tips for staying focused while you're in recovery.

Set Goals for Yourself

The easiest way to stay motivated when going through the Alcoholics Anonymous process is to set yourself achievable goals. This is a great way of breaking down the bigger goal of sobriety into more manageable, confidence-boosting targets. 

Your goals don't have to revolve solely around your sobriety, though. You can set other life goals that maybe you were never able to achieve while you were drinking. 

Get creative and think of a list of all the things you want to do. Pick a few of the most realistic ones and get going. It's a great way to keep your mind off drinking.

Ditch the Unhelpful Mentality 

As we've covered, relapses are commonplace among those in recovery. Some days are going to be great, and some days are going to be awful.

If you're going to stay motivated during your treatment, then you need to forget about approaching it with an all-or-nothing mentality. Holding yourself to unattainable standards of perfection just adds far too much pressure onto your shoulders. 


If you don't keep track of how far you've come, you can begin to lose all sense of perspective. That's why journaling is great. On days when you're struggling, you can open your journal and see all of the things that you have overcome to get to where you are today. 

You can also tie your journaling in with the goals that we discussed earlier. Use your journaling to stay on top of your goals and keep track of how far you've come in achieving them. 

Practice Self Love

This is perhaps the most important aspect of recovery. You're on a path of self-betterment and improvement, so it's vital that you show kindness and compassion to yourself while you're on this journey. 

Self-care will help you remember that you matter and that you are worth your sobriety. It will help you overcome any feelings of worthlessness and doubt. Remember that you are not your addiction and you are worthy of love. 

Celebrate Your Progression Through the AA Process With a Token 

Staying motivated during the AA process can be difficult, and this article is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all the things that you can do to keep your eye on the prize of sobriety. Take some time to look up some other methods that could work for you. 

Something that many people in the program find helpful is a recovery chip or token. These are great little reminders of how far you've come on your journey. Check out our stock of amazing AA coins, chips, and tokens today. 

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