Speaking up to Break the Stigma of Addiction and Mental Health

Speaking up to Break the Stigma of Addiction and Mental Health

Although mental health and addiction are a popular topic of public conversation today, there are still many people who treat those who suffer from these conditions differently. Despite the fact that addiction is accepted as a disease by the medical community, much of society still rejects this idea. Instead, many view addiction as a choice. After all, I chose to say yes when I was offered heroin for the first time, and I chose to do it a second time, right?
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Alcohol Recovery Diet: The Role of Nutrition in Sobriety

Alcohol Recovery Diet: The Role of Nutrition in Sobriety

Would you believe that alcoholism is the third-leading cause of lifestyle-related deaths? If you're working hard to avoid being one of those statistics, your AA tokens will remind you of how far you've come. Are you looking for additional addiction recovery help? How does nutrition and addiction recovery relate to one another? Are there supplements to help with alcohol cravings that you can add to your alcohol recovery diet?
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