How to Deal With and Recover From an Alcohol Relapse


For those struggling with addiction, an alcohol relapse is an unfortunate part of the journey. But it happens. Probably a lot more than you think.

How you choose to handle an alcohol relapse can have two different outcomes:

  1. It can set the stage for continued, and possibly better, recovery;
  2. It can spiral into complete, life-controlling addiction once again.

If you, or someone you care about, has suffered from a relapse, don't walk around believing it's the end of the world. It is possible to master sober living....

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17 Addiction Recovery Quotes to Stay Strong

Quotations are usually popular on the internet because they reinforce the way we already feel about something or our view of the world.

But addiction recovery quotes mean much more to the recovering alcoholic.

40 - 60% of all recovering alcoholics will relapse at some point, studies show. Two-thirds of those will do so within the first year. After five years even 7% will relapse...

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What to Expect From Being One Year Sober

What to Expect From Being One Year Sober

If you've got or are on the cusp of earning your 365-day token, congratulations! 

Hitting the one year sober milestone is something to be proud of. The first twelve months of sobriety can be very difficult, but what should you expect in the aftermath?

Well, for one, your odds of staying sober improve dramatically. An eight-year study showed that less than half of those who achieved a year of sobriety relapsed. That number continued to tumble as time went on...

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How to Stay Sober at Social Events

As the spring turns to summer, social events begin to take precedence in our lives.

We'll get to cherish time with loved ones and friends while creating brand new memories.

But for many in recovery, social events are synonymous with stress. But being sober doesn't need to be equated with being a shut-in. In fact, going out and being social can be beneficial to your mental well-being!

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