What Does the AA Symbol of Recovery Signify?
Posted by Token Shop on 6/27/2019 to
Living Sober
Do you know the Alcoholics Anonymous symbol was registered in 1955? It's now widely applied by different AA entities.
What's the meaning of the symbol triangle with a circle inside? The circle represents the entire world of AA while the triangle stands for the three AA's legacies. The three legacies are recovery, service, and unity.
What Does Taking an AA Medallion Mean?
Posted by Token Shop on 6/20/2019 to
Recovery Merchandise
There are certain accomplishments in life that are underappreciated. Most people don't know how difficult it is to complete a marathon or build furniture from scratch so they downplay these achievements.
A Brief History of AA Medallions
Posted by Token Shop on 6/13/2019 to
Recovery Merchandise
Many AA meetings around the United States and the world have a tradition of recognizing different lengths of sobriety by handing out sobriety chips or medallions. At the beginning or the end of the meeting, depending on local customs, someone will stand and hand out plastic chips for each month of sobriety in the first year.
5 Thoughtful Sobriety Gifts Your Loved One Can Carry with Them Every Day
Posted by Token Shop on 6/13/2019 to
Recovery Merchandise
Addiction is an illness that doesn't just affect its victim. It wreaks havoc on everyone who loves that victim as well.
That's why when your loved one is succeeding in their recovery, it's cause for celebration. Show them how proud you are with these fantastic ideas for recovery gifts.
Finding Peace: 5 Benefits of Using Meditation During Addiction Recovery
Posted by Token Shop on 6/6/2019 to
Living Sober
One of the major aspects of having a successful recovery is learning how to properly manage stress. In the past, during stressful moments you may have turned towards substances to try to escape these overwhelming feelings, which of course wasn’t a permanent solution.
As you learned that substance abuse only leads to self-destructive behavior and short term relief you made the first step of deciding to walk down the path to sobriety.
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