Good Mental Health Tips and Tricks While Maintaining Sobriety

Good Mental Health Tips and Tricks While Maintaining Sobriety

Are you able to maintain good mental health while staying sober? It can be challenging and the threats of depression and anxiety are real and persistent. What tips and tricks can you use help? How can you fight back and fight for positive mental health? If you or a loved one is looking for a guide on how to maintain good mental health while maintaining your sobriety, this read is for you.
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Reason to Celebrate: How to Enjoy Holidays While Staying Sober

Reason to Celebrate: How to Enjoy Holidays While Staying Sober

In the United States, over 15 million people struggle with alcoholism. Learning how to be sober during the holidays is the best thing you'll ever do for your recovery. In Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), there's a saying: "Alcoholism is an illness that comes in three-fold: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve." 
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10 Reasons Life without Alcohol Is Better

10 Reasons Life without Alcohol Is Better

Alcohol is responsible for 88,000 deaths in the United States each year. That may seem like a stark or harsh fact, but the truth is that alcohol kills. Getting sober can save your life. Still not convinced? Here are 10 great reasons to live your life without alcohol.
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Tips for Staying Sober with Meditation

Tips for Staying Sober with Meditation

In 2017, 19.7 million people were suffering from addiction. People from every age and from every walk of life can face the battle of addiction. Thankfully, once people decide to fight their addiction, they can learn steps to better themselves. One of the tools they can use on the path to recovery is meditation.
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The Many Mental Health Benefits of Not Drinking Alcohol

The Many Mental Health Benefits of Not Drinking Alcohol

One thing is certain; alcohol abuse is associated with mental health issues. But there is hope! By abstaining, your brain has a chance to heal and renew. Curious about the positive changes to your mental health once you quit drinking? Keep reading to discover many of the benefits of not drinking alcohol.
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5 Tips for Staying Sober When Everyone Around You Is Drinking

5 Tips for Staying Sober When Everyone Around You Is Drinking

Summer is the time for backyard barbecues and ballgames...and cold beer. When all of the summertime activities seem to include drinking, it can feel like the world is conspiring against your sobriety. Don't panic! You can safely navigate social gatherings that involve alcohol without losing sight of your sobriety. Here are some tried-and-true tips for staying sober this summer, even when everyone around you is drinking.
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