Should I Try to Get My Spouse to Go to Al Anon?

Should I Try to Get My Spouse to Go to Al Anon?

Should I Try to Get My Spouse to Go to Al Anon? Should I Try to Get My Spouse to Go to Al Anon? You are going through the steps in AA, and that's great. Now, you want to know if you should try to encourage your spouse to go to Al Anon. Have
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Keep Coming Back: 7 Inspiring Sobriety Journal Prompts for Your Recovery Journey

Keep Coming Back: 7 Inspiring Sobriety Journal Prompts for Your Recovery Journey

The sobriety journey isn't an easy one, but it is one that you should be proud of. Things will come and go in waves, but keeping a sobriety journal can help to keep yourself on track and help you remember why you wanted to heal in the first place
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Going Sober Alone: 5 Resources to Help You Stay Sober While in Isolation

Going Sober Alone: 5 Resources to Help You Stay Sober While in Isolation

Approximately 14.4 million people in the United States struggle with alcohol abuse, and only 7.9 percent receive treatment. 

If you're someone who has worked hard to overcome addiction, then you know how challenging recovering in isolation can be. 

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Alcohol and Exercise: How Exercise Can Help You Overcome Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol and Exercise: How Exercise Can Help You Overcome Alcohol Addiction

Everyone has an addiction to something. That addiction may be videogames, collecting food, or alcohol.

When you crave something, it is hard to quit. Still, when you want it bad enough, you somehow do it.

Whether you are on your own or have a unit supporting you, baby steps are the key.

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Going Mobile: The Top 6 Recovery Apps For Your Smartphone

Going Mobile: The Top 6 Recovery Apps For Your Smartphone

The path to sobriety is a tough one at that. Despite all the challenges, you can make it through, even if you need some help.
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The Party Goes On: 4 Must-Have Party Tips to Help You Help You Through the Night

The Party Goes On: 4 Must-Have Party Tips to Help You Help You Through the Night

At some point, most people in recovery will face the challenge of staying sober at a party.
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Going Sober Alone: 5 Resources to Help You Stay Sober While in Isolation

Going Sober Alone: 5 Resources to Help You Stay Sober While in Isolation

Approximately 14.4 million people in the United States struggle with alcohol abuse, and only 7.9 percent receive treatment. 

If you're someone who has worked hard to overcome addiction, then you know how challenging recovering in isolation can be. 

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Alcohol and Exercise: How Exercise Can Help You Overcome Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol and Exercise: How Exercise Can Help You Overcome Alcohol Addiction

Everyone has an addiction to something. That addiction may be videogames, collecting food, or alcohol.

When you crave something, it is hard to quit. Still, when you want it bad enough, you somehow do it.

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Going Mobile: The Top 6 Recovery Apps For Your Smartphone

Going Mobile: The Top 6 Recovery Apps For Your Smartphone

The path to sobriety is a tough one at that. Despite all the challenges, you can make it through, even if you need some help. 

Here are six great recovery apps to help you on your journey.

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The Party Goes On: 4 Must-Have Party Tips to Help You Help You Through the Night

The Party Goes On: 4 Must-Have Party Tips to Help You Help You Through the Night

At some point, most people in recovery will face the challenge of staying sober at a party.

If you're early on in your process, it's best to avoid parties completely. After all, sobriety is hard enough as it is without being surrounded by alcohol. If you've been sober for a few years, though, you should be more comfortable with parties.

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The Top 3 Best Sobriety Blogs for Recovering Alcoholics in 2020

The Top 3 Best Sobriety Blogs for Recovering Alcoholics in 2020

An estimated 22 million Americans are in recovery from addiction, but that doesn't stop a lot from them from feeling alone.

In recent times, when social distancing is the new normal, it can be difficult to remind ourselves that the struggles we're going through are not unique. Someone, somewhere, knows how you feel.

For those who have suffered from alcohol addiction and may need support, sobriety blogs can be a great way to go.

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Doing AA During Quarantine: The 5 Big Benefits of AA Phone Meetings

Doing AA During Quarantine: The 5 Big Benefits of AA Phone Meetings

The coronavirus crisis has hit everyone hard, but for those struggling with alcoholism, this pandemic has brought on unique challenges.  Social distancing means that the lifeblood of the Alcoholics Anonymous program has been fundamentally changed. 

As daily life has changed recently, we've all been forced to think about the role of human interactions in our lives. For many recovering alcoholics, the fellowship they find at in-person meetings plays a crucial in their continued sobriety.  

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Stay in Tune: The Top 5 Best Sobriety Podcasts for Recovering Alcoholics

Stay in Tune: The Top 5 Best Sobriety Podcasts for Recovering Alcoholics

Once you've left treatment, that doesn't mean all of your hard work has come to an end. In fact, the hard work has just begun. However, there are various resources available to recovering alcoholics, including sobriety podcasts.

Podcasts that focus on sobriety are typically hosted by people that are in recovery themselves and can relate to the things you are feeling and situations you may face. A valuable part of recovery is being in contact with people that understand the path that you've taken.

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AA International Convention, Canceled: How It Affects the AA Community

AA International Convention, Canceled: How It Affects the AA Community

COVID-19 has been impacting people around the world for a couple of months now. We've seen many day-to-day activities canceled and are facing even more change in the coming months. 

While we are all hunkered down at home, it might be hard to find things to look forward to. The cancellation of the 2020 AA International Convention is certainly a blow to morale.

Are you curious about the cancellation of this year's convention? Do you want help dealing with sobriety during the COVID-19 pandemic?

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6 Travel Tips for the AA International Convention 2020

6 Travel Tips for the AA International Convention 2020

If you've been in AA for a while, chances are you've heard of or been to the AA International Convention before. However, if you're new to the program, you should count yourself lucky. This event only happens once every five years. 

Don't miss your opportunity to temporarily escape to Detroit for the AA International Convention 2020. Detroit is a wonderful city full of culture, art, authentic eateries, and more. 

However, before you leave, be sure to take note of some of our top travel tips.

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Here Are 10 Things You Won't Want to Miss for Your First AA International Convention

Here Are 10 Things You Won't Want to Miss for Your First AA International Convention

Are you ready for the AA International Conference in Detroit this year? This conference only happens every five years, so you don't want to miss it.

From hearing others' stories to seeing the beautiful city of Detroit, there are so many things to experience in and out of the big meetings.

If you've never attended an AA conference before, keep reading to find out more about what you can expect so you know how to plan your weekend.

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5 Restaurants to Not Miss While in Detroit for the 2020 International AA Convention

5 Restaurants to Not Miss While in Detroit for the 2020 International AA Convention

If you're planning on heading to Detroit for the 2020 International AA Convention, congratulations on your success. Beating any addiction can be more challenging than most people know.

However, despite any relapses, backward steps, or other negative issues along the way, here you are. As you probably know, these conventions are only held every 5 years. Take advantage of this opportunity and escape to Detroit for a while to celebrate your sobriety.

While you're there, however, be sure to enjoy yourself with the best restaurants the city has to offer. Keep reading for our top five suggestions.

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4 Things to Do in Detroit During the 2020 International AA Convention

4 Things to Do in Detroit During the 2020 International AA Convention

It's almost time for the 2020 International AA Convention in July! As you prepare to attend this amazing convention, you'll want to be prepared to enjoy your time in Detroit. The best way to ensure you make the most out of this trip is to know a few sober activities that you can take part in while there.

Receive your recovery chips and tokens, and then head over to a few awesome Detroit activities. Not sure where to begin? Continue reading below for our list of 5 awesome things to do in Detroit that are fun and sober!

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What Is Al-Anon? Should I Recommend It to My Family?

What Is Al-Anon? Should I Recommend It to My Family?

Over 14.4 million adults suffer from alcohol use disorder each year. But they aren't the only ones who are suffering.

Family members and friends of those who have alcoholism also experience pain and suffering. There's Alcoholics Anonymous for alcoholics, but what is there for loved ones?

There's Al-Anon.

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Everything You Need to Know About AA Sponsorship

Everything You Need to Know About AA Sponsorship

It's estimated that there are over 2 million members of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in over 180 countries around the world.

If you've ever wondered about how to become an AA sponsor, you've come to the right place. We gathered everything you need to know about this role that's essential to the success of many members of AA.

Keep reading to learn more about AA sponsorship and to see if it's right for you.

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What to Expect From Your First AA Meeting

What to Expect From Your First AA Meeting

The 12-step program has been around for almost 100 years. In fact, the first AA meeting took place in 1935, three years before Alcoholics Anonymous became the official name of the organization. AA was publicly founded in 1938 by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith, two men who struggled with alcoholism themselves.

Keep reading for a breakdown of what to expect at your first AA meeting.

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The Increasing Popularity of Sober Bars: What Are They Exactly?

The Increasing Popularity of Sober Bars: What Are They Exactly?

One of the hardest parts about getting sober is losing out on the social aspects of drinking. But more and more people are figuring out how to go to the bar without getting drunk.

That's in part thanks to sober bars. When you go to a sober bar, you're getting the same environment minus all the alcohol. You're drinking mocktails instead of cocktails. 

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6 Tips for Dating a Recovering Alcoholic in AA (When You Are Not)

6 Tips for Dating a Recovering Alcoholic in AA (When You Are Not)

Things are going great on your date. The chemistry is there, you're laughing, you have plenty in common. Then they drop the bomb: they are an alcoholic who's gotten sober. 

Is this a dealbreaker? Maybe, maybe not. Dating a recovering alcoholic can present some problems, but it's not an insurmountable hurdle. 

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A Quick Guide on What to Say to Someone on Their Sobriety Anniversary

A Quick Guide on What to Say to Someone on Their Sobriety Anniversary

Is someone you know approaching a sobriety milestone? You may want to congratulate them on their achievement, but what's the best way to do that? You'll want to encourage them while remaining sensitive to the subject.

If you're not sure how to do that, here are a few tips on what to say to someone on their sobriety anniversary.

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What Not to Say to an Alcoholic in Recovery: 6 Things to Avoid

What Not to Say to an Alcoholic in Recovery: 6 Things to Avoid

In the past few years, Americans have paid a lot of attention to the opioid epidemic -- with good reason. It causes thousands of tragic deaths each year.

However, even as we shine a spotlight on dangerous narcotics, it's important to remember other substances can be just as deadly. Take alcohol; each year in the U.S., some 88,000 people die directly or indirectly due to alcohol consumption.

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Are You Living With an Alcoholic? 5 Ways to Make Life Easier

Are You Living With an Alcoholic? 5 Ways to Make Life Easier

One in eight American adults, or 12.7% of our country's population, have an alcohol use disorder. Alcoholism doesn't only affect the person holding the bottle, though. If you're living with an alcoholic, chances are, you've felt the strain yourself. 

Loving an alcoholic isn't always easy. While they can benefit from your support, your health and happiness matter too.

Find the balance with these five tips on how to live with an alcoholic. These tips can make your life a little easier.

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What No One Tells You About Getting Sober

What No One Tells You About Getting Sober

There's no doubt about it- getting sober is hard work. For many people, it improves relationships, health and it can put you back on track with your career. There are so many positives to getting sober that the negatives aren't often talked about. 

If you think you need to give up alcohol, or you're currently taking part in a sobriety program, here are some of the things that you may not know.

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How to Get Through Your First Days Sober

How to Get Through Your First Days Sober

If you have made the powerful and life-changing decision to quit drinking, then congratulations are in order. These first few days sober will be the beginning of a happier, healthier, and longer life.

However, the first few days can also be the most challenging for any struggling alcoholic. Immediately after you stop drinking is when your body will feel the most severe symptoms and withdrawal effects.

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AA Coin Display Ideas for Your Recovery Tokens

AA Coin Display Ideas for Your Recovery Tokens

Your AA coins are more than just a token to help you keep track of your sobriety journey. They are a symbolic representation of everything you've worked for and how far you've come. If you want to show off your coins, or if you just want to be reminded by your sobriety daily for your own needs, keep reading, for these great AA coin display ideas. There is truly something for everyone with this guide, and they can also be great gifts for the strong, sober person in your life!
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Happy Birthday! Sober Celebration Ideas for AA Birthdays

Happy Birthday! Sober Celebration Ideas for AA Birthdays

14.1 million adults have alcohol use disorder. If you are one of them or know one of them, there are things you can do to support their sobriety at birthdays and other celebrations. For many in recovery from addiction, both birthdays and AA birthdays are milestones. AA birthdays are the anniversary of the first day of sobriety. Read on to learn about some ways you can celebrate AA and Sober Birthdays.
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Alcoholics Anonymous Medallions: How They Help in Recovery And What They Are

Alcoholics Anonymous Medallions: How They Help in Recovery And What They Are

The decision to get sober is a defining moment in an addict's life. But staying sober isn't easy. No matter how far into recovery someone is, they face temptation and their demons every day of their lives.

Anything that can help ease this process is a welcome addition during that journey. Keep reading to learn why Alcoholics Anonymous medallions help addicts stay clean and sober.

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What Are AA Tokens, Anyway?

What Are AA Tokens, Anyway?

Alcoholics Anonymous began in 1939. Today, there are over 2 million successfully recovering members of Alcoholics Anonymous in more than 180 countries.

You might have heard of the 12 steps of AA, but have you heard about AA tokens?

Read on to learn what these are, how they are earned and their significance

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Do All AA Meetings Give Out Chips? (And Other Important Questions)

Do All AA Meetings Give Out Chips? (And Other Important Questions)

Over 14 million American adults have struggled with alcohol addiction at some point in their life. Getting sober can turn your life around for the better, but it is a long and difficult journey. AA meetings can make the process a little bit easier by giving support, encouragement, and chips. What are these chips? We've put together this guide to help you understand their importance.
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Hidden Momentum: What Is the Significance of the AA 1 Year Chip Milestone?

Hidden Momentum: What Is the Significance of the AA 1 Year Chip Milestone?

Making the decision to quit drinking is one of the most difficult choices a person can make. So, as you get sober, it is important to celebrate every small milestone you pass from 24hr to 14 days to six months. However, there is something special about getting that AA 1-year chip.
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What Are The Different Types Of AA Sobriety Medallions?

What Are The Different Types Of AA Sobriety Medallions?

The road to recovery can be long and difficult. But recovering from alcohol addiction is going to fix a lot of problems and make you feel better. Alcoholics Anonymous medallions are a great way to show others the progress you've made and are a good reminder of how far you've come. 
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How Often Do You Earn Your Sober Chips At AA Meetings?

How Often Do You Earn Your Sober Chips At AA Meetings?

Have you ever wondered why AA groups give out military collectable coins to their members? Well, they're not military coins! They're sober chips, and they mark someone's recovery process.
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Why Do Members Carry AA Recovery Coins Around?

Why Do Members Carry AA Recovery Coins Around?

AA recovery coins are a physical reminder of an amazing spiritual achievement. After staying sober for a significant period of time, many people in recovery choose to commemorate their accomplishment with one of these special coins.
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What To Do With AA Recovery Chips And What Are They For?

What To Do With AA Recovery Chips And What Are They For?

Alcohol has long caused a public health crisis. In fact, one out of every eight Americans has an alcohol use disorder. That is more than 12% of the entire population. 
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7 AA Slogans With Incredibly Profound Meanings

7 AA Slogans With Incredibly Profound Meanings

AA has been around for roughly 85 years and some of their slogans and sayings have been around just as long. It's no surprise that some of these AA slogans have a lot of power and meaning behind them.
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5 Warning Signs of Alcohol Relapse

5 Warning Signs of Alcohol Relapse

Substance abuse is a serious issue that millions of people struggle with on a daily basis. And while many alcoholics strive toward sobriety, the path to recovery is never easy.
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The 12 Spiritual Principles of AA Explained

The 12 Spiritual Principles of AA Explained

Contrary to what a lot of people think, the spirituality part of AA does not mean you have to be a Christian. The spiritual principles of AA cater to people of any faith. People have tried to understand spirituality and self-awareness for as long as we've been around, so it's understandable if you're looking for some guidance and information. Keep reading to learn about the principles of alcoholics anonymous.
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Why You Need to Celebrate Your Sobriety Birthday

Why You Need to Celebrate Your Sobriety Birthday

Sobriety is something that you must constantly work on because recovery never really ends. Constant reflection on ongoing sobriety and celebrating your achievements is very important to stay on the wagon.
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Sober Celebrities: 5 Famous Celebrities That Are Celebrating Their Recovery

Sober Celebrities: 5 Famous Celebrities That Are Celebrating Their Recovery

Did you know that there are studies out there that link the qualities of successful people with people who also suffer from substance abuse disorder? Think about celebrities for a minute. They are usually risk-takers, have a good work ethic, and a strong desire to be successful. When all this is mixed with being in the public eye, it can lead to disaster. 

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4 of the Most Uplifting and Inspiring Recovery Quotes of All Time

4 of the Most Uplifting and Inspiring Recovery Quotes of All Time

It doesn't matter if you have earned your AA Chip for being 10 years sober of if you're still in the first month of your recovery—we all need a little inspiration on our journeys with addiction. Maybe you want to congratulate someone on their sobriety by writing them a meaningful card, or perhaps you need some words of encouragement for sobriety because you're feeling vulnerable
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5 Positive Things to Say When Handing Someone Their AA Sobriety Chips

5 Positive Things to Say When Handing Someone Their AA Sobriety Chips

AA sobriety chips signal an end and a beginning of sorts. It's the end of the chemically-dependent person. It's also the renewal of their hope.

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A Brief Look into the History of the AA Medallion

A Brief Look into the History of the AA Medallion

Athletes who complete an event take home a ribbon or a medal. So do participants in other competitive events. But the millions of men and women in recovery aren't always recognized outside their community of fellow addicts and alcoholics for their sobriety.
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Speaking up to Break the Stigma of Addiction and Mental Health

Speaking up to Break the Stigma of Addiction and Mental Health

Although mental health and addiction are a popular topic of public conversation today, there are still many people who treat those who suffer from these conditions differently. Despite the fact that addiction is accepted as a disease by the medical community, much of society still rejects this idea. Instead, many view addiction as a choice. After all, I chose to say yes when I was offered heroin for the first time, and I chose to do it a second time, right?
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Alcohol Recovery Diet: The Role of Nutrition in Sobriety

Alcohol Recovery Diet: The Role of Nutrition in Sobriety

Would you believe that alcoholism is the third-leading cause of lifestyle-related deaths? If you're working hard to avoid being one of those statistics, your AA tokens will remind you of how far you've come. Are you looking for additional addiction recovery help? How does nutrition and addiction recovery relate to one another? Are there supplements to help with alcohol cravings that you can add to your alcohol recovery diet?
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How to Find an AA Sponsor: 7 Tips for Choosing the Right Person

How to Find an AA Sponsor: 7 Tips for Choosing the Right Person

If you feel like you're struggling with your sobriety alone, get this: almost 21 million Americans have at least one addiction in their lifetime. Since only 10 percent receive treatment, you're already ahead of the curve. Asking for additional guidance can help you remain on track with your recovery, too. That way, you have the support you need to avoid a relapse.
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5 Places to Go for Your Next Recovery Retreat

5 Places to Go for Your Next Recovery Retreat

Everyone's path to recovery looks different. For many people, getting away from the daily grind can be essential to recovery. Between 50 and 90 percent of those in recovery will relapse. But having a chance to get away and stay in a sober environment that helps reconnect you with your spirit can prevent that from happening.
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9 Things to Do Instead of Drinking When Times Get Tough

9 Things to Do Instead of Drinking When Times Get Tough

In the United States, about 15 million people struggle with alcoholism. You may feel like you're alone in your recovery journey, but you're not. Healthy habits are key to your recovery. Read on for nine things to do instead of drinking when things get difficult in your life.
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What are the 12 Steps of AA  and Where Did They Come From?

What are the 12 Steps of AA and Where Did They Come From?

Even if you're not trying to get sober, chances are you've heard of the 12 steps. AA and NA meetings are often represented on TV and in movies, so these days the 12 steps are a part of popular culture. But, most of these media representations don't do a good job of explaining what the 12 steps are, how they originated, or how they can help maintain sobriety.
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What Does the AA Symbol of Recovery Signify?

What Does the AA Symbol of Recovery Signify?

Do you know the Alcoholics Anonymous symbol was registered in 1955? It's now widely applied by different AA entities. What's the meaning of the symbol triangle with a circle inside? The circle represents the entire world of AA while the triangle stands for the three AA's legacies. The three legacies are recovery, service, and unity.
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What Does Taking an AA Medallion Mean?

What Does Taking an AA Medallion Mean?

There are certain accomplishments in life that are underappreciated. Most people don't know how difficult it is to complete a marathon or build furniture from scratch so they downplay these achievements.
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A Brief History of AA Medallions

A Brief History of AA Medallions

Many AA meetings around the United States and the world have a tradition of recognizing different lengths of sobriety by handing out sobriety chips or medallions. At the beginning or the end of the meeting, depending on local customs, someone will stand and hand out plastic chips for each month of sobriety in the first year.
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5 Thoughtful Sobriety Gifts Your Loved One Can Carry with Them Every Day

5 Thoughtful Sobriety Gifts Your Loved One Can Carry with Them Every Day

Addiction is an illness that doesn't just affect its victim. It wreaks havoc on everyone who loves that victim as well. That's why when your loved one is succeeding in their recovery, it's cause for celebration. Show them how proud you are with these fantastic ideas for recovery gifts.
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Finding Peace: 5 Benefits of Using Meditation During Addiction Recovery

Finding Peace: 5 Benefits of Using Meditation During Addiction Recovery

One of the major aspects of having a successful recovery is learning how to properly manage stress. In the past, during stressful moments you may have turned towards substances to try to escape these overwhelming feelings, which of course wasn’t a permanent solution. As you learned that substance abuse only leads to self-destructive behavior and short term relief you made the first step of deciding to walk down the path to sobriety.
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Good Mental Health Tips and Tricks While Maintaining Sobriety

Good Mental Health Tips and Tricks While Maintaining Sobriety

Are you able to maintain good mental health while staying sober? It can be challenging and the threats of depression and anxiety are real and persistent. What tips and tricks can you use help? How can you fight back and fight for positive mental health? If you or a loved one is looking for a guide on how to maintain good mental health while maintaining your sobriety, this read is for you.
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Reason to Celebrate: How to Enjoy Holidays While Staying Sober

Reason to Celebrate: How to Enjoy Holidays While Staying Sober

In the United States, over 15 million people struggle with alcoholism. Learning how to be sober during the holidays is the best thing you'll ever do for your recovery. In Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), there's a saying: "Alcoholism is an illness that comes in three-fold: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve." 
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10 Reasons Life without Alcohol Is Better

10 Reasons Life without Alcohol Is Better

Alcohol is responsible for 88,000 deaths in the United States each year. That may seem like a stark or harsh fact, but the truth is that alcohol kills. Getting sober can save your life. Still not convinced? Here are 10 great reasons to live your life without alcohol.
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Tips for Staying Sober with Meditation

Tips for Staying Sober with Meditation

In 2017, 19.7 million people were suffering from addiction. People from every age and from every walk of life can face the battle of addiction. Thankfully, once people decide to fight their addiction, they can learn steps to better themselves. One of the tools they can use on the path to recovery is meditation.
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The Many Mental Health Benefits of Not Drinking Alcohol

The Many Mental Health Benefits of Not Drinking Alcohol

One thing is certain; alcohol abuse is associated with mental health issues. But there is hope! By abstaining, your brain has a chance to heal and renew. Curious about the positive changes to your mental health once you quit drinking? Keep reading to discover many of the benefits of not drinking alcohol.
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5 Tips for Staying Sober When Everyone Around You Is Drinking

5 Tips for Staying Sober When Everyone Around You Is Drinking

Summer is the time for backyard barbecues and ballgames...and cold beer. When all of the summertime activities seem to include drinking, it can feel like the world is conspiring against your sobriety. Don't panic! You can safely navigate social gatherings that involve alcohol without losing sight of your sobriety. Here are some tried-and-true tips for staying sober this summer, even when everyone around you is drinking.
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How Group Support Systems Help Maintain Sobriety

How Group Support Systems Help Maintain Sobriety

While in treatment, people in recovery from addiction often have several support systems to help maintain sobriety. Once someone has completed a treatment program and returns to “the real world,” it can be challenging to receive the same level of support. Life in recovery can sometimes be isolating or lonely, but it doesn’t have to be.
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Namaste! 5 Proven Benefits Of Yoga For Addiction Recovery

Namaste! 5 Proven Benefits Of Yoga For Addiction Recovery

Did you know that approximately 300 million people practice yoga worldwide? Out of these 300 million, approximately 43% of them practice yoga at home. Since yoga can bring so many health benefits, why should you do yoga for addiction recovery?
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You Are Not Alone! 3 Fantastic Online Chats For Alcohol Recovery

You Are Not Alone! 3 Fantastic Online Chats For Alcohol Recovery

Your first thought is probably that it doesn't sound like something that would be helpful to your recovery, but it does have it's upsides. Some of them can be extremely helpful in times of need.
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10 Group Activities For Recovering Addicts

10 Group Activities For Recovering Addicts

Part of the process is trying to resist cravings while finding other habits to occupy your mind and time with. For example, you should let yourself inspired by the following sober group activities and try them with your friends.
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5 Amazing Foods That Surprisingly Stop Alcohol Cravings

5 Amazing Foods That Surprisingly Stop Alcohol Cravings

Did you know that nearly 90,000 US people died as a result of excessive alcohol consumption from 2006 to 2010? In 2010 alone, excessive alcohol use was responsible for approximately $249 billion in total costs. Luckily, you can prevent excessive alcohol consumption with foods that stop alcohol cravings.
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Don't Cash It In. Here Are 5 Things You Can Do With An AA Coin To Help You Stay Sober

Don't Cash It In. Here Are 5 Things You Can Do With An AA Coin To Help You Stay Sober

Here Are 5 Things You Can Do With Your AA Coin To Help You Stay Sober

Yet, a coin doesn't quite capture the true meaning of the work it takes to stay sober sometimes. How could a coin possibly symbolize the tough nights you spent wondering if you would be drunk come the morning? 

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The Journey's Worth It. Read This For 10 Tips On How To Stay Sober When Things Get Tough.

The Journey's Worth It. Read This For 10 Tips On How To Stay Sober When Things Get Tough.

Here Are 10 Tips On How To Stay Sober During Tough Times

According to research, helping other alcoholics is a good strategy for maintaining sobriety. So much so that 40% of those who aided in other's sobriety saw greater success in their own sobriety journey.

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5 Tips On How to Get Sober and Change Your Life For the Better

5 Tips On How to Get Sober and Change Your Life For the Better

5 Tips On How to Get Sober and Change Your Life

Over 25 million Americans have an addiction. While this includes illicit drugs and prescription medications, alcohol is a continuing problem for many addicts. In fact, one in eight American adults is now considered an alcoholic. 

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Find Your Zen: Everything About Meditation for Addiction Recovery

Find Your Zen: Everything About Meditation for Addiction Recovery

Looking for ways to enhance your recovery?

Addiction is rampant in the United States. 21.5 million Americans struggled with a substance use disorder in 2014; 17% of men and 8% of women in the general population will experience alcoholism in their lifetimes.Those are scary figures.

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10 Tips for the Newly Sober to Get Through the Holidays

10 Tips for the Newly Sober to Get Through the Holidays

Did you know that according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Americas dedicate approximately 1% of their spending on alcohol? That's a hefty chunk of our paychecks. It pays off in many ways to choose sobriety during the holidays.

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AA Coins: What They Are and How They Help in the Recovery Journey

AA Coins: What They Are and How They Help in the Recovery Journey

What are AA coins? How are they special in the journey toward sobriety, and what do they stand for? Click here to learn all about them.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has a solid 80 years of history. Starting with Bill W. back in 1934 and continuing to this day. This fellowship of alcoholics helping other alcoholics gives us the 12-step model of recovery as we know it today.

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What Are Some Fun Ways to Celebrate Sobriety?

What Are Some Fun Ways to Celebrate Sobriety?

Is your one-year anniversary of being sober coming up? 

This isn't any old birthday celebration. Your sobriety anniversary is a monumental date that shows how far you've come. You've worked hard for this celebration.

Not sure how to plan this special event? There are tons of options to suit how you want to spend the day. 

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5 Fun Sober Activities for a Friday Night out

5 Fun Sober Activities for a Friday Night out

When the weekend rolls around, it seems everywhere you look there are people drinking. If you're recovering from an alcohol addiction, weekends can seem challenging.

Staying sober doesn't mean you have to give up your social life. It may appear that there aren't many fun social events without alcohol. But, there are actually lots of things you can do without alcohol ever coming into the equation.

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6 Amazing Gifts for Recovering Alcoholics

6 Amazing Gifts for Recovering Alcoholics

6 Amazing Gifts for Recovering Alcoholics

6 Amazing Gifts for Recovering Alcoholics

Heartfelt and meaningful gifts are a great way to show that you care and support your loved ones no matter what. Here are 6 amazing gifts for recovering alcoholics that are a beautiful way to show your support!

Realizing someone close to you is an alcoholic is one of the hardest things in life to face. But, imagine how much harder addiction is for the person who is struggling with it.

He or she needs your support as they work to recover, and even after they've reached sobriety, too.

One way you can show your loved one you still care is to give them a gift to celebrate their recovery. You may choose to do this as you're picking them up from rehab or as they reach important milestones in their sobriety - like being 1 year or 10 years clean.

You can also buy gifts for recovering alcoholics just because. If you're not sure what to buy, though, check out the list of suggestions below.

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Alcohol and Mental Health: 4 Co-Occurring Disorders You May Encounter

Alcohol and Mental Health: 4 Co-Occurring Disorders You May Encounter

Alcohol and Mental Health: 4 Co-Occurring Disorders You May Encounter

4 Co-Occurring Disorders You May Encounter

Dealing with alcoholism is already tough as it is, but it becomes a whole different game when co-occurring disorders become involved. Here are 4 co-occurring disorders you or a loved one may encounter on their road to recovery.

Alcohol addiction often accompanies additional underlying mental and anxiety disorders or co-occurring disorders.

A 1990 survey reported 53% of people with substance addiction had a co-occurring disorder.

It's not uncommon to seek treatment for alcohol and mental health simultaneously.

However, co-occurring disorders often go undiagnosed and so can be difficult to manage.

Alcohol and mental health affect each other, as many people with undiagnosed disorders self-medicate with alcohol and other substances to manage their symptoms.

Here's how to tell if you or a loved one has a co-occurring disorder and how to get help.

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6 Myths About Alcohol and Alcoholism That Need to Disappear

6 Myths About Alcohol and Alcoholism That Need to Disappear

6 Myths About Alcohol and Alcoholism That Need to Disappear

6 Myths About Alcohol and Alcoholism That Need to Disappear

Whether you have a loved one who is recovering from alcoholism or a recovering addict yourself, the fact remains that myths and stereotypes about alcohol can be very damaging. Here are 6 myths about alcohol and alcoholism that need to be put to rest now.

Alcohol is legal for those above 21 years old in the United States. But its legal status doesn't mean that it isn't abused or addictive. In fact, it's a huge problem in our country: over 15 million people struggle with some sort of alcohol use disorder.

Even though alcohol abuse is quite prevalent in our society, certain myths about alcohol and misconceptions about alcoholics persist. We're going to go over 6 of the most common myths that people still believe about alcohol and alcohol abuse. This will help you understand the truth about drinking and addiction.

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What to Expect in the First Years of Alcohol Addiction Recovery

What to Expect in the First Years of Alcohol Addiction Recovery

What to Expect in the First Years of Alcohol Addiction Recovery

What to Expect in the First Years of Alcohol Addiction Recovery

Getting over your alcohol addiction can be a tough road ahead, but being prepared can help soothe the journey somewhat. Read more to learn what you can expect in the first years of alcohol addiction recovery and become informed today.

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, it's estimated that there are over 15 million people over the age of 18 with alcohol use disorder.

That number is high, but you're no longer a statistic. You've realized that you have a problem with alcohol, and now you're doing what you can to get sober.

Some people have struggled with alcoholism for months. For others, it may be years or even decades. Sobriety can be intimidating, but when you know what to expect it can be less scary.

Do you want to know what to expect in the first years of your recovery? Read on to learn more.

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What to Do When You Relapse on Alcohol

What to Do When You Relapse on Alcohol

What to Do When You Relapse on Alcohol

Relapse is a difficult part of recovery that many people have to deal with, but you shouldn'tt let it diminish how far you have come. Read more to learn more on what to do when you relapse on alcohol so you can get back on track in no time.

Overcoming alcohol addiction is a challenge which needs commitment and time. Studies show that approximately 40 to 60 percent of people treated for substance abuse are likely to have a relapse. If you have ever had to overcome an addiction, you know how difficult it is to resist the urge to backslide.

A slip is a momentary lapse which causes regret to the victim soon after the action. It can occur when a person experiences something which distracts his/her focus temporarily. Relapse describes a person who manages a sober life for quite some time only to resume to old habits eventually.

Falling back is not equivalent to ultimate failure. Knowing what to do when you relapse is what matters. The bottom line is that the victim has expressed the urge to quit drinking.

Keep on reading to learn more!

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5 Tips to Help Reduce Alcohol Cravings

5 Tips to Help Reduce Alcohol Cravings

5 Tips to Help Reduce Alcohol Cravings

Recovering from alcoholism is a constant uphill battle that takes a lot of strength to overcome. Here are 5 tips you can use to help you on your road of recovery to reduce alcohol cravings in a fast and healthy way.

There are millions of people suffering from alcoholism. Of those millions, only a tiny fraction will choose to go sober and maintain their sobriety.

One of the things that make alcohol so hard to kick is the changes it makes to your brain. If you have been a heavy drinker for years, some of those changes could be permanent.

Here, we give you 5 tips to help reduce alcohol cravings so over time it can become less of a struggle to stay sober. Even better, these are all completely natural and dietary based changes you can make today to lessen your cravings and keep you on the road to recovery.

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8 Tips for Rebuilding Self Esteem in Addiction Recovery

8 Tips for Rebuilding Self Esteem in Addiction Recovery

No matter how far along you are on your path to recovery, it's vital to set aside time to focus on yourself and reclaiming your self-esteem.

Addiction can strip us of our sense of self-worth. When we feel bad about ourselves seeking outside help and trying to better our lives may not feel like a battle worth fighting.

It is for this reason that rebuilding your self-esteem is a vital part of the recovery process.

Unsure of how to take back your sense of self-confidence and respect?

Here are eight tips to help you begin rebuilding self esteem as you continue working toward your recovery from addiction.

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Do Addiction Recovery Apps Work? Here Are 6 That Could Help Your Alcohol Recovery Journey

Do Addiction Recovery Apps Work? Here Are 6 That Could Help Your Alcohol Recovery Journey

Do Addiction Recovery Apps Work? Here Are 6 That Could Help Your Alcohol Recovery Journey

Should You Try Addiction Recovery Apps for Alcohol Recovery?

There's an app for everything including sobriety apps. If you're considering addiction recovery apps for alcohol recovery, here are 6 you might want to try.

Alcoholism grips over 40 million Americans ages 12 and older.

That means 1 in 7 people struggle with alcoholism in the United States. There's no doubt that this is a common battle to face.

And if you're recovering from alcoholism, it can be a difficult task to face on your own. Without the proper help, you may even slip back into your bad habits.

Lucky for you, addiction recovery apps are out there and ready to help you. Using these, you may be able to stay on track to full recovery.

Read on to find yours.

1. Sober Grid

Often, when struggling with alcohol recovery, it can become easy to feel alone. No one should have to do it alone, and that's what Sober Grid tries to do.

Sober Grid connects you with other people that are recovering. And some who have already may be on the app to give support. The app is free on both the Itunes and Android stores.

Users on the app can see in what areas other users are. This gives you the ability to meet with people like you in person.

Sober Grid offers you the community you need to get through recovery. You won't need to feel alone again.

If a situation becomes too tempting, you can contact someone in the community. Like social media, you can also publish your thoughts to a welcoming community.

2. Sobriety Counter

Sobriety Counter, also called EasyQuit, is a free app that makes sobriety fun. While the struggle can be hard, Sobriety Counter gives you some positive encouragement.

Sobriety Counter lets you personalize your recovery. You can choose to go cold turkey or take a slow path. Its flexibility makes this a perfect app for anyone.

A counter on the app keeps track of all the benefits quitting has given you. You can watch as your body's blood circulates better and fat disappears.

The app also counts up how much money you have saved since quitting. If you want, you can set a goal to reach before buying something.

Sobriety Counter also includes a three-minute game to distract you from the urge to drink. It's three minutes because that's how long it takes to lose the urge on average.

Sobriety Counter also has 64 badges that you receive when you meet goals. This positive encouragement will help you recover more than you know.

3. Stop Drinking with Andrew Johnson

Stop Drinking with Andrew Johnson ranks #31 on the Itunes Medical section. Although you can't get this app on Andriod, this app may make all the difference for $2.99.

Stop Drinking with Andrew Johnson focuses on the mental aspect of recovery. This app doesn't stop with helping you avoid drinking. It also shows you why you shouldn't.

When you open the app, it offers you a daily listening session to relax you from drinking. Using hypnotherapy, Andrew Johnson leads you away from your negative habits.

The therapy changes your thought process about alcohol. Soon, even your subconscious wants to turn down a drink.

The app also offers you different resources to use. For example, it also offers visualization tools.

4. 12 Steps AA Companion

The 12 Steps AA companion is a helpful partner to any AA member. It costs $2.99, and you can get it on the Itunes store but not Android.

It respects your privacy from the very start. Even the app icon doesn't look like an AA app. And each time you open it, a calculator tells you how far you've come since being sober.

The app also includes the famous AA big book, which costs more in print than the app does. This means you can even save money by buying this app.

The 12 Steps AA companion also lets you use the book as any book. You can highlight text, bookmark specific passages, and more.

Along with these features, users also have access to a prayers section. The prayers are many of the common AA prayers. It also includes prayers to go along with the book.

A contact and notes section is also part of the app. With this app, you can have all the perks of the AA at your fingertips.

5. SoberTool

SoberTool is a free app on the Itunes store. And because it isn't specific to alcohol, you can use it for any kind of addiction.

A certified alcoholism counselor with 27 years of experience created the app. It focuses on creating habits that keep you sober.

Like many apps, SoberTool lets you know how many days you have been sober. Then, it calculates how much money you have saved too.

You'll see daily motivational messages that SoberTool created. And it will remind you to read them.

Because a professional developed it, the app can help you with almost any situation. You can even use a search bar to look for help.

And, because sobering up isn't a job to do alone, the app includes a community forum to use. With it, you talk to others experiencing similar emotions to yours.

6. Happify

Happify is not an app for alcoholics, but it is worth mentioning. Happify helps you defeat the feelings that make you want to drink in the first place.

It takes account of your habits and helps you decide what new habits to make. Using these new habits, you tell it how happy you feel.

Then the app quantifies how happy you are, and over time, you can see how you improve. Soon, you'll be able to improve your happiness in the way you want.

Happify is free on the Itunes store and not on android. To get full features, you could consider paying for a yearly subscription.

Want More Than Addiction Recovery Apps?

Now that you know about addiction recovery apps, it may be time to get yours. What are you waiting for? Your virtual assistant could help save your life.

If you're looking for more help, check out our blog for more. You can also find more helpful information in our AA literature.

Do you know someone recovering from alcoholism? Buy them an AA gift to celebrate their recovery. And if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


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8 Strategies for Staying Sober During Family Reunions

8 Strategies for Staying Sober During Family Reunions

Staying sober can be essentially challenging when in social situations surrounded by family. Do you share that you are sober now? How do handle people offering you alcohol?

We're going to give you 5 great sobriety tips for staying sober at your next family reunion.

1. Make a Plan

Prepare before the reunion what you are going to do when someone offers you a drink. You are at a gathering where people will be drinking and partying, so someone will most likely offer you a drink.

You don't owe anyone an explanation on why you are getting clean. Come up with a response and stick to it so that you aren't tempted.

A great way to prevent the whole situation from happening is to grab a water or soda early on. People are less likely to offer you a drink if they see you already have one in hand.

2. Why Aren't You Drinking?

If someone does offer you a drink a natural question will be why you aren't drinking. Now it's your family, maybe they already know you are sober.

If this is the case you can politely remind them that you are sober now. Or you can say that you realized you had a problem and decided it would be best to stop drinking.

If you aren't comfortable talking about trying to stay sober, there are plenty of other responses you can have at the ready. For example, you could say that you just don't feel like drinking.

You could say that you are the designated driver for others, which is mostly a true statement anyway. You could say that your current diet or medication prevents you from drinking.

3. Set a Time Limit and an Out

Family situations can be stressful. This is especially true when it is a large family reunion where there are more than a normal amount of family members in one place.

Setting a time limit for yourself can help you cope with the situation while you're in it. It will also limit the amount of time you spend in a situation that may cause you stress and trigger you to want to drink.

Preparing your out in advance ensures that when you've hit your limit and you need to leave, you can. If you drive yourself, then you're set.

If you drove to the reunion with others, or the reunion is where you are staying, you need an alternate plan. Maybe this means you arrange with a friend to be available to come get you.

You could have uber at the ready to get a ride. If the reunion is at a destination you can scope the place out before you go.

Look for options that allow you to "take a time out" from the situation. This could be at the destination or a nearby coffee shop.

4. Get a Buddy

Have someone that you trust be with you at the family reunion to help hold you accountable for your sobriety. It is a lot easier to stay sober when there is someone else there.

This is especially true if you are early on in your sobriety when temptations are stronger and easier to fall for. Don't think it has to be a family member, you could bring a significant other or close friend.

5. Avoid People Pleasing

Remember that just because they are your family doesn't mean you should feel obligated. Do not feel like you need to do anything you are not comfortable doing.

It can be tough to stay strong when you are facing a group, but remember that you and your sobriety are more important. Think about what situations make you uncomfortable and prepare yourself to say no to them.

We all know who that "toxic" family member is, we all have one. Limit your time with these family members as they will increase your stress and risk level.

If you can't avoid them, try planning on limiting your time at the reunion. Only go for a day or two instead of the whole week.

6. Have Realistic Expectations

Life and people aren't perfect, so set realistic expectations for your family reunion. Your family members probably haven't made major changes.

The conflicts that popped up in the past will probably pop up again. Accept them, take ownership of your role, and let it go.

Resist the urge to try and control the situation and others. You can't control how other people are.

7. Plan Activities

Don't let yourself end up sitting around for hours with family drinking and talking. There are plenty of other activities you can do with your family that doesn't involve drinking.

Don't let yourself fall into romanticising alcohol. When family members start bringing up the past and romanticising drunken events, remove yourself.

8. Find the Local Meeting

Before you go to the family reunion, locate when and where the local AA meetings are held. This will be the support system you need when the family starts becoming too much.

If you already know when and where the meeting is you remove the excuse of not knowing. You'll most likely need to go to a meeting after being surrounded by all of your family for extended periods of time.

Staying Sober

The smartest thing you can do when staying sober at a family reunion is to make a plan and prepare for your family reunion. Get your responses ready for the tough questions, and remember that you don't owe anyone any explanations.

Know where your out is, and where you can go if you need a break from the situation. Look up where the local meetings are.

Check out these great meditation tips you can take with you and use at your next family reunion.

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7 Ways Your Body Reacts During Alcohol Recovery Timeline

7 Ways Your Body Reacts During Alcohol Recovery Timeline

Have you recently made the decision to stop drinking? Perhaps you've already detoxed from alcohol and are ready for recovery.

In either case, the road to recovery isn't easy. 40% of alcoholics eventually abstain from alcohol completely or become low-risk drinkers.

Relapse is common in the first year of recovery. It also occurs in some individuals after the first year and even after the third or fifth years.

There are, however, ways you can avoid relapse and make long-term recovery a reality. By understanding the alcohol recovery timeline, you can prepare yourself to defy the odds.

In this article, we'll explore 7 things that happen to your body during alcohol recovery. That way, you know what to expect in the days, months, and years ahead!

1. Acute Withdrawal

The time it takes for your body to flush away the last of the alcohol generally takes about a week to 10 days. The first 72 hours after your last drink, however, are crucial.

The first 72 hours is often the most difficult period. As the alcohol leaves your system, you may develop adverse physical side effects caused by acute alcohol withdrawal. Acute alcohol withdrawal is often the first thing that happens along the alcohol recovery timeline.

The symptoms of acute alcohol withdrawal include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Shakiness/tremors
  • Sweating
  • Appetite loss
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue

These symptoms are most prevalent in the first 72 hours. They can last anywhere from a week to a month depending on the severity of a person's alcoholism. Those who drank heavily for months and years are more likely to develop acute alcohol withdrawal.

How to Cope with Withdrawal

It's important to stay hydrated during this time. Drinking lots of water and electrolyte beverages, such as Pedialyte, will prevent dehydration. They can also soothe some of the symptoms of withdrawal, like nausea and sweating.

Reaching out for support also helps. You need a support system of positive people who will encourage you to keep going. These should be people who will help you cope with withdrawal, not enable you.

In serious acute alcohol withdrawal, rapid heart rate, seizures, and hallucinations can occur. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical care immediately.

2. Post-Acute Withdrawal

For some people, detox starts the first hour since their last drink. Acute alcohol withdrawal can last up to two weeks. It's often this amount of time it takes for your body to detox from alcohol completely.

If you've made it through detox, you've overcome the hardest part. Next in the alcohol recovery timeline are the psychological effects of post-acute withdrawal.

During post-acute withdrawal, you may experience some (or all) of the following symptoms:

  • Lower energy
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Nightmares
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Aggression
  • Decreased libido
  • Memory problems

You may also experience alcohol cravings as your brain and the central nervous system adjusts to the changes.

How to Cope with Post-Acute Alcohol Withdrawal

During this time, it's imperative that you seek counseling and medical attention. Not only so you cope better with the symptoms of post-acute alcohol withdrawal. Therapy can also help you develop coping mechanisms to deal with alcohol cravings.

In the first month after quitting drinking, your liver function starts to improve as the liver fat decreases. You'll start to feel better physically and will likely start to lose belly fat.

Don't disrupt the progress you've already made once you get through acute withdrawal. Reach out to help so you can conquer post-acute withdrawal, as well.

3. Anhedonia

You may also experience something known as anhedonia. Anhedonia is a loss of interest and pleasure. It often develops during the first weeks and months of the alcohol recovery timeline.

Anhedonia often develops during the transition from frequent alcohol usage to abstinence. They'll often withdraw socially or experience general malice and difficulty socializing.

Someone is likely to develop anhedonia if they have depression or anxiety. They're also more prone to anhedonia if they've recently experienced trauma or have a history of abuse or neglect.

How to Cope with Anhedonia

Here are some ideas on how to deal with anhedonia:

  • Joining a gym or a sports team
  • Practicing yoga or meditation
  • Cooking new and healthier meals
  • Taking up a new hobby, like knitting or painting

Some doctors may prescribe antidepressants to recovering alcoholics who are experiencing anhedonia.

It's important that you stay busy and find new activities you can enjoy that don't revolve around drinking. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is not only helpful for staying sober. It can give you an opportunity to socialize and connect with others who know what you're going through.

4. Sobriety

The first weeks and months of recovery are physically the hardest.

After about a month or so, your body will no longer go through withdrawal. However, the road to recovery doesn't end there. The coming months and years are often the most difficult - emotionally and mentally.

Social events or certain people or places can trigger cravings. Stressful events or trauma can also trigger one's desire to start drinking again. Often times, these kinds of cravings can feel more physical than they do mental.

For as long as you stay sober, it's important that you keep working on your coping mechanisms. That way, should you experience triggering events, you'll be able to abstain from alcohol rather than giving in.

It's also good to keep reminding yourself of why you wanted to get sober. You can write reminders down in the form of inspiring quotes or as a list of goals or reasons.

Understanding the Alcohol Recovery Timeline

Recovering from alcohol addiction is a big accomplishment. It's physically and emotionally challenging, and you've made the decision to recover, you should feel proud of yourself.

You'll need reminders along the road of recovery to keep you moving forward. AA coins can mark each milestone you accomplish in recovery and can keep track of your progress.

Keep reminding yourself of why you wanted to get sober. For ideas, contact us at The Token Shop today!

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Get Ahead in Your Treatment: The Benefits of Alcohol Recovery

Get Ahead in Your Treatment: The Benefits of Alcohol Recovery

Get Ahead in Your Treatment: The Benefits of Alcohol Recovery

The Benefits of Alcohol Recovery

Quitting your alcohol addiction is difficult at the beginning. But after years of alcohol recovery, you'll begin to feel a lot better. Here are the benefits of recovery.

There are so many different withdrawal symptoms that people are forced to deal with when they make the decision to quit using alcohol.

Some of those symptoms include restlessness, agitation, nausea, anxiety, headache, seizures, and more. In some cases, people may even need to get medical help to detox from alcohol safely.

But over time, alcohol recovery can work wonders for your body, your mind, and your life as a whole. Before long, you'll feel better than you've ever felt before and be glad you made the decision to walk away from alcohol.

Here are some of the many benefits that come along with alcohol recovery.

You'll Look Younger

You might not necessarily realize it since you look at yourself in the mirror every day. But there's a good chance alcohol use has made you look older.

Alcohol can dehydrate your skin and cause it to lose its elasticity, which can make your skin sag. That alone will make you look older than you really are.

When you're on the road to alcohol recovery, the collagen levels in your skin will slowly return to normal. That will make you look better than you have in years.

You'll Save a Lot of Money

A six-pack of beer, a bottle of wine, or even a liter of hard alcohol doesn't cost a fortune. You can usually get your hands on your drink of choice for less than $10 if you're willing to drink the most affordable option.

But if you drink every single day, that can obviously add up over the course of a month. You could be spending hundreds of dollars every month and thousands of dollars every year while drinking without even recognizing it.

When you go through alcohol recovery, you'll save all that money and see a real difference when you check your bank account. Many people are surprised by how much they were spending on alcohol.

You'll Form More Meaningful Connections With People

Most people turn into social butterflies when they use alcohol. They don't have any problem holding a conversation with a total stranger in a bar.

But when you meet new people while under the influence of alcohol, you're unlikely to form any real bonds with them. You might run into them the very next day and completely forget what you talked to them about just 24 hours prior.

You might not be quite as social when you're not drinking. But you can rest assured knowing you'll create better connections with other people when you're sober.

You'll Shed Pounds

Alcohol is loaded with tons and tons of calories. Even low-calorie beers and wines still have lots of empty calories that your body won't really be able to use. Your body will also treat alcohol as though it's sugar and store it in the form of fat.

Over time, all those calories can take a toll on a person and cause them to gain a lot of weight. It's not uncommon for someone who is addicted to alcohol to have at least 10 extra pounds packed on their frame.

The moment you make the decision to stop drinking, your body will start to shed some of the extra weight that it's been carrying around. You could lose 10, 15, or even 20 pounds or more without much effort on your part.

It's one of the benefits of alcohol recovery that people welcome the most. They feel so much better when they aren't overweight.

You'll Make Your Heart Healthier

Alcohol is not good for your heart at all. When you take in too much alcohol every day, you can develop everything from high blood pressure to an increased risk of heart disease.

As soon as you stop drinking, your heart will begin to get healthier and healthier over the months and years.

You'll Have Time for New Hobbies

Outside of wasting a lot of money on alcohol, you're also wasting a lot of time on it. People often spend hours and hours at a time drinking beer, wine, and other forms of alcohol.

Think of the things you could be doing with all that time! You could be playing a sport, reading more, or even just hanging out with your friends and playing video games.

Alcohol recovery gives you your precious time back and lets you spend it on something more productive than drinking.

You'll Sleep Better at Night

Those who drink alcohol regularly often have a hard time sleeping at night.

Some people can't fall asleep for hours, while others fall asleep right away only to wake up over and over again throughout the course of the night. And then, there are those dreaded bathroom trips that follow a night of drinking alcohol.

When alcohol is removed from the equation, all those nightmare scenarios stop. You can sleep better at night and get a more restful sleep so that you feel refreshed in the morning.

You'll Improve Your Self-Esteem

Most people who drink alcohol all the time don't feel very good about themselves. They lose confidence in their abilities and often drink even more to try and regain the confidence they've lost.

You'll see a spike in your self-esteem when you put down the bottle forever. Part of that will be because you've demonstrated the willpower to live a life without alcohol. But part of it will also be because your mind will be thinking more clearly than it has in years.

Continue Down the Road to Alcohol Recovery and Reap the Benefits

Putting yourself on the road to alcohol recovery and maintaining your sobriety at all costs isn't easy. You'll encounter trials and tribulations that will make you want to go back to drinking again.

But by sticking with it and taking the recovery process seriously, you can reap the rewards that come along with it. You can also add AA coins to your collection to prove just how far you've come.

Take a blog at our blog to learn tips and techniques for overcoming an addiction to alcohol today.

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5 Alcohol Recovery Stories to Inspire You This Year

5 Alcohol Recovery Stories to Inspire You This Year

A major component of the Alcoholics Anonymous program is attendance at 12 step recovery meetings where we hear others share their experience, strength and hope on how they stay sober one day at a time. However, if you are traveling, ill or otherwise unable to get to a meeting, it's important to stay connected to the alcohol recovery stories of others.

Reading the literature online or listening to podcasts is an integral way to remember what it was like and how it works when you can't get to a meeting.

Here are five alcohol recovery stories of men and women who found the easier, softer way of living life without alcohol. We hope you will identify with their stories.

1. The Pink Cloud Bursts

Melanie H. found the rooms of AA and quickly saw her life get better once she put down the drinks and drugs she had been using for years. She quickly found a sponsor and a home group. She went out to the diner for coffee once a week with a group of sober women who shared their alcohol recovery stories with each other.

"I love AA!" Melanie would announce to anyone who would listen. Her sponsor informed her that the euphoria she was feeling was commonly known as "the pink cloud" - the happiness one initially feels when one realizes there is hope in life without alcohol.

By the time Melanie's first year anniversary started to approach, however, she started to feel disillusioned with the program. One of her best friends went out and she never heard from her again. Another friend whom she considered a paragon of sobriety revealed she was having an extramarital affair.

"How can these people talk about staying sober in meetings and then go out and act like that?" Melanie cried to her sponsor. "Everyone is such a hypocrite!"

Melanie's sponsor talked to her about the physical and mental changes she herself experienced after one year of sobriety. She encouraged her to accept her coin on her one year anniversary to show others how it worked for her.

Melanie was honest about her misgivings when she celebrated, and a newcomer came up to her and said she felt the same way. Melanie started to sponsor her, and her program became reinvigorated and renewed.

She frequently shares how her pink cloud burst after one year of sobriety, but that she still keeps coming and her life is so much better.

2. Herb's Coin Reminded Him Not to Take the First Drink

When Herb celebrated three years of sobriety, his sponsor gave him the coin that his sponsor had given him on his third anniversary twenty years earlier. Herb was grateful that his sponsor would give away something that had so much personal value.

Herb put the coin in the pocket of his sports coat and went off to work. His career had taken off in the years since he had put down the drink, and he was enjoying his newfound financial security.

That night, Herb was at a professional industry gala with many of his work colleagues. The champagne was flowing and everyone was having a great time. Herb started to feel awkward standing around the bar with a sparkling water in his hand.

"Come on Herb, why don't you join us in a toast?" his supervisor yelled in front of all of their colleagues.

Herb felt embarrassed: he thought everyone was wondering why he wasn't drinking. He stuck his hand in his pocket and there he felt the coin that his sponsor had given him, handed down from his own sponsor years before.

Holding the coin in his hand, Herb smiled and raised his glass of club soda. He toasted his friends, and in his heart, he toasted his own sobriety and the chain of fellowship which gave him strength in moments like these.

3. You Are Never Alone

Dan was in the armed forces. He was five years sober, but his military service often required that he travel to far off places. AA meetings were not always easy to find, and leaving the military outposts was often prohibited.

At one posting, Dan was stationed on a tiny island in the North Sea and he found himself thinking about drinking more than he liked. He was allowed off the base, so he thought he would look into whether he might be able to find a meeting.

To his surprise, Dan discovered through Intergroup that there was a weekly meeting not far from where he was stationed. He made his way there one evening to find a solitary man sitting in an empty room with a Big Book.

The man was glad to see him. "I haven't had anyone else come by in over four years," said the man. "I still come here every week, just in case someone like you shows up and needs to speak with another alcoholic."

Dan's military days are long behind him, but he knows that no matter where he is in the world, the hand of AA will always reach out to help him if and when he needs it.

4. Getting Through One Hour at a Time

Carol C. wanted to stop drinking, but she could not seem to put any time together. No matter how many inspired she felt by the alcohol recovery stories she heard, she still felt she was different.

How could all of those old timers understand her, when she could not seem to stop drinking for even a week?

One night Carol was standing on a street corner, weighing the choice of going to one of the many bars she used to frequent or going to a meeting in a church next door.

She wanted to get drunk so badly, but she could not stop thinking of Bill W's choice in the Big Book, when he tried to decide between going to the hotel bar or seeking out another alcoholic to talk to. that other alcoholic was Doctor Bob.

For a reason she didn't really understand, Carol decided to go to the meeting. She shared about her urge to go to the bars down the street and drink.

At the end of the meeting, the leader presented Carol with a 24-hour coin. "Just hold on to this," he said. "Just get through the next 24 hours, that's all you have to do."

Carol held on to that 24-hour coin and she didn't drink that day. She began to understand what AAs were talking about when they repeated the phrase, "One day at a time."

5. She Craved the Applause

Mary was an actress, and she was ordered to go to AA when she got her second DUI.

She didn't think she had anything in common with the people in AA. She didn't understand what anyone was talking about. Then she heard people clapping for the members who had reached certain milestones, like staying sober for 90 days.

I want them to clap for me, she thought. So she hung on for 30 days, then 60, then 90.

I want to celebrate a year, she decided after reaching 90 days.

Mary is now celebrating twenty years without a drink. She laughs at the memory of herself as a newcomer, craving the applause of the rooms. "But it kept me coming back", she says.

Now she urges her sponsees to celebrate their sobriety milestones. "When you receive your coin, even if it is for the applause, you are showing others that it works if you work it," she says.

Alcohol Recovery Stories: Inspiration to Keep Coming Back

The fellowship we find in AA meetings shows every alcoholic that they are not alone in the desire to stop drinking. By hearing each others' experiences, we learn that everyone has the capacity to recover if we are willing to be honest.

By celebrating each other's triumphs over alcohol one day at a time, we see how the program works for others, and gradually come to believe that it may work for us too.

For more information on the 12 steps and to order celebratory tokens for your group, contact us.

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7 Summer Getaway Ideas for the Newly Sober

7 Summer Getaway Ideas for the Newly Sober

Looking for a sober summer getaway this year? You deserve it! We all deserve the chance to rest, unwind, and relax.

With that said, many typical summer activities can be triggering- with all the alcohol, focus on partying, and pervasive messages to let go and indulge.

However, you can definitely stay strong in your program and enjoy seeing the world at the same. Let's get to our top favorite getaway ideas!

Sober Cruises

Although they may be typically synonymous with free-flowing booze and all-you-can-eat buffets, several companies, including Sober Cruises and Sober Celebrations, focus on balancing on recovery with fun.

In general, even if alcohol is present onboard, these companies aim for spiritual fitness and creating a tight safety net for all members.

There are meetings, special events, and the opportunity to meet and connect with like-minded individuals. These events are not sponsored or endorsed by any 12-step group or treatment center.

If you want to sail throughout the Caribbean or lounge on the Hawaiian beaches, these are the trips for you to consider!

Sober Resorts & Hotels

Did you know that there are several sober hotels and resorts all around the world? You're just a few Expedia clicks away from finding a charming inn or bed-and-breakfast that maximizes fun without drugs and alcohol.

Gather up your friends and loved ones, and get out there! No need to worry about dicey hotel bars or minibars in the bedroom.

Unsure if it's really sober? Just call the hotel and ask. The concierge will let you know what the sober scene looks like (or doesn't look like). Be proactive in taking care of what you need!

Meditation Retreat

Are you interested in embracing your sober lifestyle by staying spiritually fit and connected with nature and your Hig?er Power.

Consider looking into meditation or silent retreats. Both religious and secular organizations host different events all around the world, and you can often choose from lengths ranging from a half-day to several weeks.

Not only will you get to experience a new place (and typically take in some gorgeous scenes), you'll actually get to learn and grow through your summer getaway.

Best of all? You don't need to go with anyone to have a good time. These retreats are typically designed for you to go within yourselves and deepen your internal relationship.

Travel Agency Tours

Did you know that there are entire companies devoted to sober travel arrangements? That's right- you can have someone else completely plan out your summer getaway free from drugs and alcohol.

For example, In this Life Travel has its own Recovery Travel division. You can take advantage of their 20+ years in the industry to book some of the best private and guided tours around the world.

Furthermore, you'll also have access to different meetings and fantastic recovery speakers throughout your trip.

While these trips may cost more money than, say, planning travel out on your own, you won't have to worry about all the organizational details.

If you've never been to a foreign country, this may be the best option for you. No worries about language barriers, planning out transportation options, or figuring out your hotel accomodations. These tours handle all of that for you.

Camping Trips

Travel doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. You don't need to jump on an airplane to have a blast.

Grab your group of sober friends and head out to the national parks for a cheap, easy, and fun summer getaway.

Depending on where you live, there are probably several awesome nature spots within a few hours of your location.

Take it back to your summer childhood, pitch a few tents, roll out the sleeping bags, and get your s'more roasting skills ready.

After all, there's nothing like a summer getaway like lying out under the stars with the people you love the most, right?

Fitness/Athletic-Based Trips

Now that you're sober, perhaps you've picked up running or rock climbing or surfing. What about planning a summer getaway surrounding your new hobby?

For example, maybe you've always wanted to complete a marathon or hike Mt. Whitney. Maybe you've had dreams of surfing in Hawaii or bouldering in Colorado.

Whatever it is, now is the time to do it! You're healthy, you've got a quest for life, and you hopefully now have the time(and mental sanity) to actually pursue your adventures.

It's time to start ticking some of those items off your bucket list!


Don't have a ton of free time or disposable income? Don't stress- you can still plan an awesome summer getaway, even with short notice or limited funds.

Chances are, there's plenty to see or do within your own city- or just within an hour or so away.

If you've never played tourist in your own home, now just may be the time to take advantage of your own surroundings.

Book a local hotel (or just plan your own day trip and stay in an Airbnb or at home to save money). Check out Yelp to see what places are trending. Visit that park you've always driven by but never stopped at.

Bring your camera and make it a point to take pictures- after all, you're playing tourist! You're on vacation, right? Have fun with it!

Final Thoughts on Planning the Perfect Sober Summer Getaway

They say travel is one of the only purchases that can actually make you richer. Best of all? When you're sober, you can actually remember all the novel experiences and exciting adventures!

Interested in more inspirational blog posts about recovery and growth? Be sure to check out our blog today!

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6 Tips for Maintaining Sobriety in 2018

6 Tips for Maintaining Sobriety in 2018

The holiday season is officially over, which means that a new year is upon us. And with a new year comes new resolutions. One of the most popular seems to be maintaining sobriety.

Alcoholism is an extremely serious disease that affects millions of people every day. In addition to tearing apart families and social circles, it can cause liver and brain damage and in extreme cases, may be fatal.

Sobriety is tough enough on its own, but it gets even harder when you start to realize that temptation is practically everywhere.

Keep your mind and body sharp by knowing what to expect. Here are six easy tips on maintaining sobriety in 2018.

1. Maintaining Sobriety Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

When it comes to sobriety, there's a common saying that sobriety is a marathon, not a sprint. It may not be the newest phrase on earth, but it's certainly poignant.

Sobriety isn't something that can be accomplished in a set number of days. Even with the help of a 12 step program, you'll face temptations all the time.

Instead, it's important that you approach your sobriety as a journey of sorts. Like anything worth doing in life, it's going to take time and plenty of effort.

If you're just beginning your sober journey, expect a rough beginning. Depending on the severity of your addiction, you may experience nausea, profuse sweating, and sudden outbursts.

For your safety, consult a physician before quitting cold turkey. Your body gets used to certain chemicals and substances, and depriving your system of those substances suddenly puts your body in a state of shock.

Be safe and be patient. Sobriety may be tough, but you're tougher.

2. Grow Your Support System

During your initial days of sobriety staying away from alcohol can feel daunting. You may feel alone and like no one understands. But the truth is you have tons of people around you who love and support you no matter what.

Psychologists suggest that having a strong support system in place is a great way to stay sober and those who have a strong circle of friends and family are likelier to stay sober than those who walk their path alone.

There will be days where maintaining sobriety feels almost impossible. It's precisely during these dark days that you'll need to turn to your loved ones. It's a good idea to surround yourself with sober individuals, or at least individuals that won't pressure you into drinking.

3. Remind Yourself Why You're Quitting

Everyone has their own personal reasons for maintaining sobriety. It may be for your own health, for your family, relationship, or even your career.

Whatever your reason, physically writing out your reasons for quitting is a great, cathartic exercise. Grab a piece of a paper and a pencil and find a quiet area.
Take a few moments to reflect on your life. What is it that made you choose to quit?

There's no right or wrong answer. Write down whatever you think is important enough to get you to stop drinking.

Then, once you've finished, fold up the paper and keep it in a drawer or private area. When you're feeling tempted to drink, open up the list and remind yourself once again what you're fighting for.

4. Give Yourself a Physical Reminder

It's nice to have a piece of paper to turn to, but plenty of people would rather have a physical reminder of their sobriety. For those that want a reminder to stay strong at all times, we'd suggest picking up an affirmation chip.

With tons of different options, there's sure to be an affirmation chip that's right for you. These trinkets offer both comfort and accountability.

Imagine having one of those days where everything seems to be going wrong.

Work is tough, you didn't get enough sleep last night, and you overhear your coworkers talking about grabbing drinks after work. You want to partake, but then you remember that helpful little coin in your pocket.

One day at a time, it says. Suddenly, you're reminded why it may not be such a great idea to head to the bar tonight. And just like that, your token of sobriety keeps your temptation in check.

5. Learn Your Triggers

Alcoholism in and of itself is often a symptom of something else. There's always a reason why someone turns to the bottle. Understanding what it is that makes you drink is a great way to keep yourself in check.

Determining your triggers may not be something you can accomplish on your own. Don't be afraid to reach out and talk to a mental health professional or a trusted confidante at your local AA meeting.

There are plenty of people out there who would love to help you get to the bottom of your addiction, and the sooner you understand what attracts you to alcohol, the sooner you can understand how to fix it and what to avoid.

6. Be Vocal About Maintaining Sobriety

Sobriety is never something that should be hidden or looked down upon, even by those who actively imbibe. It takes immense personal strength and fortitude to quit self-destructive behaviors.

Yet so many addicts find it tough to talk about maintaining sobriety as if there's a stigma. But vocalizing one's sobriety is a fantastic way to inspire yourself and others.

Don't be afraid to share your story with those around you. Sobriety is, after all, a journey that no one can take alone.

Reach out to others around you. Consider sponsoring a newly recovering addict at your local AA meeting, or just share your own story with friends.

Your desire to maintain sobriety has the capacity to affect everyone around you for the better. Imagine how much of a difference you can make by letting others know why you're staying sober.

Maintaining Sobriety is Tough, Let Us Help

Truth be told, there's no easy way to stay sober. But you have what it takes. Stay strong, and don't be afraid to share your journey with the world. You never know who you may inspire.

Don't forget to pick up your personal token to help you maintain sobriety. Get in touch or browse our shop to find the perfect recovery gift.

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The Importance Of AA Chips On The Road To Recovery

Recovering from alcohol is no easy feat. If you're in recovery, how do you remind yourself how far you have come? Is there anything that can make you stop and realize your progress?

The answer is yes. If you are a recovering alcoholic, AA chips can be a lifesaver, and give you pause before you consider drinking again. Read on to discover the benefits of having these valuable little tokens.

AA Chips Are More Than Just a Prize

If you have a drinking problem, you have likely gone through Alcoholics Anonymous, also known as AA. This is a group that can easily be found in towns and cities all over the country.

Research has shown that participating in AA benefits you if you are having a difficult time getting alcohol out of your life. Since you are spending time with other people who are trying to accomplish the same goal, it removes the need to drink in a social setting.

One of the benefits of joining AA is the opportunity to pursue your sober journey. Through each step that you make, you are given AA chips, which remind you of how far you have come.

Mark Every Step of Your Journey

The first step of your journey begins with putting down the alcohol and starting a new life. The chips celebrate each sober movement you make. This helps provide you the encouragement you need to continue your promise to yourself.

When you first start out, you might not feel strong enough to stop drinking. By looking at your first chip, you will be able to see the promise you made to yourself. This provides you with the strength to carry on.

Grow Your Confidence as Your Chips Track Your Sobriety

As you continue on the path of sobriety, your collection of AA chips will expand. The chips are offered in this order during the first year:

  • 24 hours
  • 1 month
  • 2 months
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 9 months

Each chip is a different color. After you have made it through a year, you receive a chip to commemorate this passage.

Another chip is given at 18 months. Although some folks do not keep attending AA meetings after a year, you will be acknowledged through continuous chips for each year of sobriety if you decide to keep going.

A Helpful Reminder to Carry Everywhere You Go

AA meetings work for many people, which means that regardless of how severe your alcoholism is, taking part in group meetings can benefit you. You will learn more about yourself and discover other like-minded people who have made the same commitment to quitting alcohol for good.

More than just helpful reminders of how far along you are in the journey, AA chips can be used to provide you with positive affirmations. Daily reflections are a primary component of AA. If you find yourself walking past a bar or another area where you might be tempted to give in to alcohol, these offer help.

These chips are used in addition to the ones that celebrate your steps to take control of your life again. Use them when you need a boost in confidence. If you are having a difficult time with family, work, or other pressures from life, reading the positive message on why you should continue to stay sober will leave you hopeful and provide courage.

Personalized Options Can Make It Meaningful for You

Your chips give you the chance to have more than the months in recovery or a positive message. Personalized AA chips can be made unique to your situation, giving you a solid reason to quit.

You can make the chips meaningful when you engrave these on the back of them:

  • The date you quit
  • The person you got sober for
  • The person who is sponsoring you
  • A positive quote that means something to you

Quitting and using a physical reminder of why you want to stay sober gives you the chance to remind yourself why you are doing this. Having a reason that is personal can be more meaningful and useful as you try to stay sober.

Offer Inspiration to Someone You Love in AA

If you are the friend or a family member of someone in AA, you want to help them on their journey. You may find yourself confused, not knowing what to do, or how to offer assistance.

One of the best ways to show your support is by purchasing a chip for the person you care about. They might not earn them at their AA meetings, so giving them something to be proud of can help.

The Token Shop also offers:

  • Books
  • Recovery bracelets
  • Plaques
  • Pens

Having alternative reminders can be useful, especially if you or the person you care about find them more helpful than the chips.

Continuing on Your Path of Sobriety and Growing

If you are part of AA or have thought about joining one, see how easy it is to find a group that can offer you the recovery and friendship you are looking for. You will learn about yourself, and see how it is possible to maintain a new life as a sober individual.

By using AA chips, you can experience firsthand the benefits of having a sober lifestyle and feel proud of yourself when you realize how far you've come. Sobriety is not easy, but feeling healthy and in control of your life is worth it.

Get Started Today

Come visit us at our online store, and see how you can find AA chips that will help you. Pick ones that will represent your months of sobriety. You can also select special chips that leave you with a positive message or special date that means something to you.

Make sobriety your priority and get your special chips that will aid you along the way.

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How to Be a Good Sponsor in AA

How to Be a Good Sponsor in AA

Alcoholics Anonymous is a support group where people go to get and stay sober. The idea is while detoxing, going through the steps, and staying on the wagon can be tough, no one should have to do it alone.

Along with allusions to a Higher Power and the 12 Step Process, the word, "sponsor" tends to come up quite a bit. If you've gone through the steps yourself, chances are you have your own sponsor, a person you can call when you're struggling.

Maybe you'd like to give back by helping a new member. If that's the case, here is a little more information on how to be a good sponsor.

Where Did the Idea of Sponsorship Come From?

The concept of the sponsor dates back to the very inception of Alcoholics Anonymous.

AA began in 1935 when founding members, Dr. Bob Smith and Bill Wilson got together. After Wilson was sober for a few months, he began to search for another alcoholic who had dealt with a similar problem and found a confidante in Dr. Smith, who also struggled with staying sober.

The founders discovered that one of the key benefits of being involved in the organization was having someone to learn on, and the two men helped each other maintain their sobriety.

The model of AA relies on alcoholics helping other alcoholics--and a sponsor is an individual who is in recovery available in a mentor capacity to someone who wishes to achieve long-term sobriety themselves.

You Need to Have at Least a Year Of Sobriety Under Your Belt

A sponsor should function as something of a sobriety guide to new members. As such, you'll need to have gone through the steps yourself and be living a clean and sober lifestyle.

Sponsorship is Beneficial for Both Parties

Aside from being just a flat out, kind thing to do, becoming a sponsor is a really great way to maintain your sobriety. A study from Brown University's psychology department found that people who choose to be sponsors are less likely to relapse in the year after their initial treatment.

How to Be a Good Sponsor--AA Sponsor Guide

Impatient? Angry? Well, you might not be ready to be a sponsor. Addiction is a recurring disease and relapse is a possibility no one is immune to. With that in mind, the sponsor needs to be understanding and ready to help with the difficult times that inevitably come up during the recovery process.

Some other things that will contribute to sponsorship success:

You're Well-Adjusted to the Sober Life

You know how hard it is to get clean, and have that insight to offer your sponsee. Ideally, you have a few years of sobriety under your belt and can demonstrate that this change has made a positive impact on your life. If you have a poor attitude toward sobriety and all its trappings, you run the risk of passing that along to your sponsee.

You Shouldn't Sponsor Someone You Want to Date

A sponsor is meant to be a trustworthy party, if you have feelings for someone in AA, it is not wise to sponsor that person. If your motives extend beyond helping a fellow alcoholic, you run the risk of doing more harm than good. Ideally, it's smart to pick someone who is a gender you're not attracted to.

Be Prepared to Listen More than You Talk

As a sponsor, your duty is to listen and encourage a newcomer's integration into the group. While you're not a therapist, your role is to listen and answer questions about sobriety and share what worked for you. You're more of a shoulder to lean on than a resource for treatment methods or counseling.

You Met Your Sponsee At a Meeting

The benefit of Alcoholics Anonymous is its anonymity. It's out of bounds to offer your sponsorship at a bar or a social gathering. Instead, turn your efforts to members who are already attending meetings.

You Have the Time to Share

Issues with substance abuse don't exactly stick to a regular schedule. You must be able to pick up the phone at any given time or return text messages within a short period. With that in mind, make sure your work and family obligations

You Can Relate to the Person

Your role as a sponsor is to be someone your sponsee trusts and feels comfortable confiding in. If there's no connection, it's going to be hard to reinforce sobriety best practices or come through in a time of need.

Keep Your Expectations Clear

Communication is key as an AA sponsor. Be upfront with sponsees about what they can expect from you and what you expect in return.

Sponsees may be concerned about being dropped by a sponsor, which can lead to feelings of abandonment. On top of trying to stay sober, the fear of being rejected only makes things more challenging.

If you have certain criteria you need your sponsee to meet, it's imperative to tell them right away. Some sponsors prefer to be called at a regular time each day, while others are available if needed.

AA Gifts and Tokens

In the end, there's no one way to be a sponsor. Each sponsor-sponsee relationship will be different. Still, you should look for someone to sponsor that has a similar set of values.

Some sponsors may check in all the time and provide reading assignments, while others approach this relationship as a casual and supportive friendship.

Now that you've got a sense of how to be a good sponsor, it's time to put the above steps into practice. Between the listening skills, your patience, your understanding, you've got this.

At The Token Shop, we get the recovery process and know that things aren't always easy. For that reason, we make a number of tokens and recovery-related gifts. If you have a sponsee, show them you care. Take a look through our collection and see if anything catches your eye.

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10 Ideas for the Perfect Alcohol Recovery Gift

10 Ideas for the Perfect Alcohol Recovery Gift

It can be tough to find thoughtful gifts for loved ones at the best of times.

But it can be extra challenging when your loved one is recovering from alcoholism. It's common for people to be so concerned about giving a present that doesn't trigger relapse that they freeze and do nothing.

This is especially true if you want to give your loved one something to acknowledge their recovery and all they've overcome. Giving a recovery gift is a beautiful gesture.

So, instead of shying away from giving a gift to celebrate a recovery milestone, embrace the opportunity. The key is to remain thoughtful of what helps your loved one manage stress.

To get you on the right track, here are 10 ideas for recovery gifts.

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Recovery Jewelry to Remind You of Your Strength

Recovery Jewelry to Remind You of Your Strength

The work you've performed so far is an accomplishment to be wholeheartedly proud of. And some members of Alcoholics Anonymous wear that pride, literally, by donning recovery jewelry.
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Working Through the 7th Step Prayer

When you are battling alcohol addiction, know that you're not alone. Some 18 million people in the United States suffer from alcohol addiction. 

The 7th step prayer, which is part of the Alcoholics Anonymous twelve step program, helps to strengthen hope and faith on the road to recovery.

If you want to get the most out of your recovery process, you'll need to focus on this step and prayer intently.

In this article, we'll discuss this prayer, how integral it is to recovery and how you can apply it to your life. 

Let's take a look below at the meaning of the prayer and how you can use it effectively in your addiction recovery process. 

Commit the 7th Step Prayer to Memory

Before you run out and start going through the 7th step prayer, you'll need to learn exactly what it says. This prayer revolves around asking for forgiveness for shortcomings.

It asks the Creator to get rid of any flaws that are keeping you from living the highest version of yourself. 

This 7th step prayer is deeply rooted in self-acceptance and humility, which are cornerstones of the recovery process. 

Use the Prayer Every Day, in Good Times and Bad

Consistency is the key to working the prayer to the benefit of your life. 

No matter your spiritual beliefs or affiliation, prayer is powerful from a scientific point of view. According to neurotheology, prayer literally changes your brain. 

You'll be able to use prayer to build your belief and willpower, which can change the circumstances of your physical reality. 

Because this prayer is so important, you'll need to make it an everyday part of your life. As with anything, repetition is crucial for making a change. Use this prayer when you wake up, before you go to sleep and during difficult times in your day. 

Apply the Prayer on a Personal Level

If you are planning to commit this 7th step prayer to memory and use it, make sure that it means something to you. 

It's one thing to recite the words, and another entirely to internalize it. 

When saying the prayer, try to invoke the feeling of what you're saying. Think about your joys and triumphs, contrasted by despair and failure. This way, when you say the prayer, you'll add emotion to it that can build your faith. 

Consider creating a vision board with all of your hopes and dreams. 

This way, you'll always remember your higher purpose and what you are trying to attain. Remember the rock bottom moments and tough times and use the prayer as a means to transcend those hard times. 

Understand the Importance of Humility

There's strength in humility. 

This very human character trait is often portrayed as a virtue of "niceness", rather than true strength. 

True humility involves quieting your ego and recognizing you're flawed. When you recognize your flaws, they're put in their place, as opposed to internalized through shame. 

The 7th step prayer focuses on humility, allowing you to recognize and acknowledge your weaknesses. Only then can you accept help. 

Humility lets you develop an accountability circle, celebrate your sobriety goals and get the support system that you need. 

Make it All About Your Work

Saying the 7th step prayer is an act of faith. A verse in the bible asserts that the works keep faith alive. 

In addition to reciting and memorizing the prayer, apply it to your goals. For instance, if you've always wanted to start a business, make sure that you're stepping out on faith to do so. 

Saying this prayer regularly will keep you in the proper frame of mind, which can then power you toward your goals. 

Continuously Develop Your Spiritual Footing

Make sure that your spiritual walk doesn't end with this prayer. 

There's value available in religious and spiritual systems -- no matter which you subscribe to. Read through spiritual texts in order to get some grounding in your life that can be helpful. 

The more you exercise your faith, the more conviction you'll have with the prayer itself. Whether strengthening your faith means reading spiritual texts, attending church services or finding gurus, you'll want to take this seriously. 

The healing from something deep as substance abuse won't happen overnight and requires your full focus and effort. 

Stay Involved in Your Groups and Meetings

Take your accountability groups, counseling and meetings seriously. 

Initial treatment is crucial, but your chances of success depend on how much work you put in with these constants. Rather than just assuming you've learned from mistakes, you'll need to both receive help and provide support. 

In these meetings, you'll typically have a sponsor and will receive a chip or other commemoration as you stay sober. Sharing with others recovering will make you continuously find new meaning and context to the 7th step prayer. 

Add Meditation To Your Lifestyle

Meditation will be useful to you no matter what sort of life you lead. 

For best results, make sure to meditate every single day. By meditating regularly, you'll be better able to stay in the moment and will change your brain networks. 

Perhaps most importantly, meditation will help you to quiet the part of your mind that is involved strictly in your survival. This impulse is only concerned with moments of the past and future but takes you out of the moment. 

The more that you meditate, the easier it will be to override your impulses and simply make clear decisions. 

By coupling the 7th step prayer with regular meditation, you'll find that you're less carried away with stress and better able to deal with the feelings that naturally arise inside of you. 

Since addiction is a mental and emotional issue, meditation and prayer are incredibly impactful.

The 7th Step Prayer Gives Hope

Applying the 7th step prayer helps you to find some grounding, so you can make the most out of your future. 

When you're sober, you'll have more clarity of mind, can get into better shape and enjoy impeccable physical health. 

Consider these tips so that you can employ the prayer in your recovery. 

Need a daily reminder? Our affirmation tokensrings, and key chains will help remind remember your mission. Place your order today.

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How to Deal With and Recover From an Alcohol Relapse


For those struggling with addiction, an alcohol relapse is an unfortunate part of the journey. But it happens. Probably a lot more than you think.

How you choose to handle an alcohol relapse can have two different outcomes:

  1. It can set the stage for continued, and possibly better, recovery;
  2. It can spiral into complete, life-controlling addiction once again.

If you, or someone you care about, has suffered from a relapse, don't walk around believing it's the end of the world. It is possible to master sober living....

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