How Does Your Daily Gratitude List Aid Your Recovery?
How to Support a Family Member in the Program
Did you know that over 6% of adults in America suffer from alcohol use disorder (AUD)?
Why You Should Celebrate Small Victories During Recovery
The little things in life are the ones that mean the most to many people. While not drinking may be a no-brainer for many individuals, staying sober is a struggle for others. Every day there is a fight not to turn to alcohol is a damning disease that affects 6% of the adults in the US.
The Clear Benefits of Group Therapy
Experts estimate that more than 21 million Americans suffer from addiction. However, many turn to recovery programs to find an effective treatment for their addictions.
5 Tips To Avoid Temptation During Recovery
Add to Your TBR Pile: The Best AA Books
Few moments are as impactful or frightening as the realization that you or someone you love has a drinking problem. Yet alcohol addiction is the second most common form of substance abuse, only behind tobacco use.
Top Benefits of Recovery Coins
While there are plenty of paths to recovery, Stanford found that Alcoholics Anonymous remains the most effective way to get -- and stay -- sober.
From Young Adult to Chronic Severe Subtype: The 5 Types of Alcoholics
Alcohol dependence is a complex and widespread phenomenon, affecting 10% of Americans over 12 years old and resulting in 140,000 deaths annually. Drinking problems affect people of every demographic in every country of the world, even those where alcohol is illegal.
Recovering vs. Recovered Alcoholic: Which Label Should You Use?
The Consequences of Self-Medicating
How Ketamine Addiction Can Lead To Serious Health Problems
You’ll see ketamine being passed around at parties in much the same way as a Jell-O shot tray. Despite its reputation as the party drug of choice, ketamine is not at all what it seems.
Rehab for Teens: Why Aftercare Is Essential
Did you know that alcohol is the most commonly used substance among young people in the United States? More than 29% of high school students drink alcohol and some teens begin earlier than that.
Busting Myths About Addiction
What to Expect When Joining an AA Group
Alcoholics Anonymous is a worldwide organization, running groups in over 180 countries that help more than two million members. However, the prospect can seem daunting for those considering joining an AA group.
The Ultimate Guide to Milestone AA Tokens
Did you know that there have been over 96,000 deaths from drug abuse every year?
Drug and alcohol addiction is a serious cause of illness and death in today's world. But going to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings has changed the lives of many people.
5 Ways to Store Your Beloved AA Coins
Reaching a milestone in a substance abuse recovery is worth celebrating. That's why 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous often give out AA coins at many of their 123,000 groups worldwide.
7 Tips for Dealing with Temptation While Staying Sober
A Closer Look at AA Medallions From Around the World
Alcoholics Anonymous has been running since 1935 when it started with two men in Ohio who were seeking sobriety. Today, there are more than 2 million members across 180 countries.
Admitting There's a Problem: When Do You Need to Stop Drinking?
Did you know that there are 3 million deaths annually from alcohol misuse? Many people enjoy a few drinks from time to time, but some people struggle to know when to stop and develop a dangerous drinking problem that could ruin their life and the lives of those around them.
PTSD and Alcohol Abuse: Is There a Relationship?
Did you know that around 38% of Americans struggling with addiction also have mental health issues?
Alcoholics Anonymous: The History of AA Coins
How to Stay Sober on a Night Out and Enjoy It
Did you know that Do you know that 139.8 million Americans aged 12 and up consume alcohol? 14.8 million of them, or 10.6 percent, have an alcohol use disorder.
5 Ways to Stay Sober When You're Dealing With Grief
The latest statistics reveal that almost 15 million people over the age of 12 have Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). AUD takes a heavy physical and emotional toll.
How to Create a Sober Living Environment at Home
A study found that those who have stayed sober for five years have an 85% chance of staying sober. This means those small milestones, in the beginning, are the building blocks for the rest of your alcohol-free life. To help you on your path, it's essential that you implement sober living techniques where you live.
Sober Dating: 5 Ways to Talk to a New Partner About Being Sober and Attending AA
After getting sober, experts recommend remaining single for the first year. This new journey introduces people to personal struggles that require their full attention.
How to Prepare for Your ‘Share’ as an AA Speaker
Admitting you're struggling with addiction is an incredibly brave and difficult thing to do. But it's a necessary first step on the road to recovery. As it happens, though, the need for bravery and resilience doesn't stop there.
AA Meeting Format: What Are the Different Types of AA Meetings?
How to Start an AA Meeting or Group in Your Area
Are You Going to Too Many AA Meetings?
6 Restaurants to Visit in Melbourne for the 2022 National AA Convention
The National AA Convention of 2022 is fast approaching. This year, it's the city of Melbourne that's playing host to an inspiring weekend filled with sharing, stories, and strength. It's set to be an amazing event for all involved—with a beautiful backdrop to boot.
5 Things You Won't Want to Miss for Your First National AA Convention
6 Travel Tips for the 2022 National AA Convention
What are you doing April 22nd-24th?
Every year the Alcoholics Anonymous group puts on a conference where sober people can get together and grow. This year, it's in Melbourne, Australia
3 Early Signs of Alcohol Addiction and How to Treat Them
Are you concerned about alcohol addiction? Whether you have concerns about your own alcohol addiction or you have concerns about a loved one, it is important that you know that help is available. Alcohol use disorders are common these days, but not everyone is aware of the signs of alcohol addiction.
Step 3 Alcoholics Anonymous: How to Get Started
Alcoholics Anonymous is one of the most important steps for any recovering victim of substance abuse. While rehab and therapy are also important, nothing can quite solve the unique problems that addiction poses like a support group like Alcoholics Anonymous.
5 Tips for Staying Sober During Your Recovery
You deserve congratulations for staying sober. As you continue your recovery, you'll probably find yourself in certain situations where you find it difficult to remain sober. That's okay, as long as you have a plan to maintain sobriety in any situation.
What to Expect When Joining Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings
AA is one of the most important parts of the recovery process for anyone suffering from alcohol addiction. While interventions and rehab can help you overcome the harsh realities of addiction, it's AA that gives you the mental, emotional, and spiritual fortitude to stay sober.
Where to Get Alcoholics Anonymous Coins: A How-to Guide
Outsiders might see an AA coin as a membership token.
But to members, holding Alcoholic Anonymous coins tightly in the grip of our hand is like a grip on power. It's a sign of a battle over an addiction that has possibly gripped its hand around our very souls.
What Should You Do With Your Alcoholics Anonymous Chips? A Guide
Do you recall the moment you received your first AA token? For most AA members, getting that token is a special moment; it represents a big positive turning point in their lives.
4 Inspiring Alcoholics Anonymous Stories You Should Know About
Glenn Beck is one of the most well-known news anchors in history. His short stay on Fox News eventually led him to creating his own news station and brand.
What Is Step 2 Alcoholics Anonymous? A Closer Look
Top 4 Great Ideas for Alcoholics Anonymous Gifts
Do you want to buy a gift for somebody recovering from alcoholism?
Give them something that shows you recognize their achievements. Only 75% of people who seek recovery from substances succeed.
What Does an Alcoholics Anonymous Program Consist Of? A Closer Look
The 12 Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous: An Overview
Alcoholics Anonymous Triangle: What Does It Mean?
Looking Back: History of Alcoholics Anonymous
Today, Alcoholics Anonymous is the best-known recovery program in the world. Pick a city, and there are likely AA meetings happening there right now.
What Are the Alcoholics Anonymous Promises? What You Should Know
12 Alcoholics Anonymous Steps You Should Understand
Understanding the Alcoholics Anonymous Symbol: A Guide
5 Reasons to Attend an AA Meeting
Many people utilize and rely on attending an AA meeting for their struggles with alcohol addiction. There are around 2.1 million members in AA today that credit these meetings as their reason for sobriety.
How to Support a Recovering Alcoholic: Some Simple Steps
Alcohol can be a tidal wave. Three million people die due to the harmful use of alcohol every year all over the world.
Yet alcohol is a wave that people can escape. A recovering alcoholic can take immediate steps to eliminate their dependency.
How to Celebrate Your Sobriety Anniversary
For many former alcoholics, a sobriety anniversary is much more significant than a birthday.
The road to sobriety can be difficult. Studies show that only 35% of people fully recover from alcohol use disorder. They either abstain from alcohol or become low-risk drinkers.
10 Sobriety Milestones to Be Proud of
On the road to recovery, there are a number of sobriety milestones you can reach.
These can range from time-based achievements to moments of significant emotional healing. Whicher milestone you reach at any given moment, it is worth being proud of yourself.
Can You Enhance Your Sobriety With Technology?
AA Chip Colors and the Sobriety Milestones
The Interesting History of the Sobriety Medallion
Awarding an AA Chip: What to Say at This Special Moment
Typical AA meetings feature groups of around 10-20 people. In these meetings, you'll share your successes and vulnerable moments with others that understand what you're going through and feeling.
What Can You Expect From Your First AA Meeting?
A Quick Guide to the Alcohol Addiction Recovery Process
How to Cope With Alcohol Withdrawal
The Relationship Between Anxiety and Alcohol
How do you unwind after a long, stressful day at work?
Maybe you go to a bar with your friends or sit in front of the TV and crack open a beer. You might even pour yourself a shot of whiskey and nurse it over an evening.
How to Help a Loved One on the Road to Recovery
What is an Intervention?
The National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics reports that there have been more than 700,000 deaths in the US due to substance overdose.
If you too have a friend or family member that suffers from this same addiction, this statistic may be just too close to home.
The Top 3 Sober Summer Activities
With summer right around the corner, now is the perfect time to start planning for those warm and sunny days. While summer is often a time for fun and relaxation, it can often be a difficult time for those on their recovery journey.
The good news is, there are a wide variety of summer activities that are exciting, unique, and sober-friendly.
The Top Sobriety Tokens & Gifts for Recovery
Top 8 Alternatives to Drinking
What Are AA Chips
Discussing Sobriety With Your Friends and Family
6 Ways to Display Your Sobriety Coins
Alcoholics Anonymous Coins: What Do they Mean?
Stay Motivated: 5 Inspiring Sober Gifts That Encourage Recovery
What Recovering Alcoholics Need to Know about Anxiety and Addiction
Did you know that people with an anxiety disorder are twice as likely to suffer from addiction?
It is essential to note the comorbidity between anxiety and addiction. An awareness can help dual diagnosis treatment and recovery.
Sober Fun! 5 Awesome Activities You Can Enjoy without Alcohol
Shame and Addiction: Understanding the Link and Breaking the Cycle
Living a Sober Life: 5 Benefits of Attending AA Meetings
Supporting vs Enabling Someone in Addiction Recovery
How Do You Congratulate Someone on Their Sobriety?
How to Encourage a Loved One to Seek Help for Their Alcohol Addiction
Helping a loved one get sober is one of the most difficult tasks a person can undertake. Addiction not only destroys the addict's life, but it often destroys the addict's loved ones as well.
Family and close friends form a system that is undeniably affected by addiction, and this system also influences the addict's choices.
How to Recognize Triggers and Subsequent Warning Signs of Relapse
Warning signs of relapse are always important to pay attention to if you or a friend is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction. Stressful events, such as the 2020-2021 pandemic, can be especially triggering to those who seek comfort in their addictions.
5 Beautiful Reasons to Stay Sober No Matter What
When you're going through sobriety, it can feel like you're all alone. None of your friends or family seem to understand how powerful your cravings are or the mental battles you must endure every day.
How Tai-Chi Can Help You Resist Temptations to Drink
Why Understanding Addiction Is Part of the Solution
You can't fight an enemy you can't see - and the same applies to finding solutions for addiction. Understanding addiction is an essential part of coping with the condition.