Celebrating Sobriety: Finding Joy in Every Moment
3 Motivational Sobriety Quotes to Inspire You
10-Year AA Chip: Celebrate a Decade of Sobriety Today
How to Earn Your 1 Year AA Chip
3 Unique Gifts for a 3 Year Sobriety Coin Achiever
Best 1 Year Sobriety Gift: Celebrate Recovery in Style
What Are the AA Chips In Order? The Journey to Sobriety
What Does a White Chip Mean in AA? Discover Its Importance
Discover Unique AA Medallions for Lifelong Sobriety Milestones
How Long Does It Take to Get Sober: Celebrating Your First Milestone
The Tradition of Alcoholics Anonymous Sobriety Chips Explained
How Alcoholics Anonymous Sobriety Tokens Help in Your Recovery Journey
Your Guide to AA Step 9: Learn How to Make Amends
Inspirational Tales of Celebrities in Alcoholics Anonymous
Facing The Challenges Of Sobriety With Willingness
How Willingness Helps Through AA Steps
Practicing Willingness In Your Everyday Life
What Willingness Means For Sobriety
Facing the Challenges of Sobriety With Humility as a Spiritual Principle of Recovery
More than six in ten alcoholics recover if they seek help. For those who recover, finding reasons to stay sober provides a life raft amid sobriety's challenges. Humility can help with this search for meaning. Alcohol addiction requires changing one's outlook on life, and to achieve that change in outlook, one must have humility. If you need guidance on how to build a meaningful, happy life while sober, keep reading. We'll talk about how humility can help you as a principle of recovery.
How Humility Helps Through the AA Steps
29 million Americans have dealt with substance abuse at some point in their lives. Getting sober is one of the most difficult things anyone can do. Sober life takes immense dedication and the support of friends and family to maintain. But, what does staying sober mean in the context of the AA steps? Today, we'll discuss humility's role in navigating sobriety and mental health. The benefits of sobriety are obvious, but keep reading and understand why humility is crucial.
Practicing Humility in Your Everyday Life for Sobriety
Do you struggle to imagine how people find the strength to stay sober? Humility plays a vital role in the journey. Understanding the importance of humility can help you maintain your sobriety and find peace. Why does humility matter so much? Read on to learn how to practice humility and why it will help.
What Humility as a Spiritual Principle of Sobriety Means
Have you ever wondered about the most influential factors of sobriety? Humility is a key element in the journey of sobriety. It's a spiritual principle that helps people stay on track. Why should everyone practice humility? Read on for our humility guide to learn about the benefits and some exercises.
Tips for Staying Sober: How to Face the Challenges of Sobriety With Patience
Sobriety is a journey marked by challenges, victories, setbacks, and growth. For many individuals, staying sober is one of the most significant and rewarding accomplishments of their lives.
However, the path to sobriety is not without its hurdles. It requires dedication, perseverance, and, perhaps most importantly, patience.
Take a look at our tips for staying sober and preparing yourself to face challenges head-on during this journey.
Patience in Recovery: How Patience Helps Through the AA Steps
Nearly 60% of people aged 12 or older used alcohol or drugs in 2022, and countless people struggle with addiction. Joining Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an opportunity many people leverage to get clean.
When going through the AA steps, patience becomes more than just a virtue. It becomes a necessity. The road to recovery is often complex, but it's easier to traverse than many people anticipate. Let's explore how patience in recovery helps you navigate this challenging but rewarding journey.
Spiritual Growth: Practicing Patience in Your Everyday Sober Life
Spiritual growth goes hand-in-hand with the 12 steps of recovery. There's no other way to change your life but to focus on growing as an individual, and integral to this growth is a spiritual awareness that will help you become a better person.
The reality is that recovery from addiction is a long road. Learning to cultivate patience is key to your spiritual growth as an individual, and in turn, your long-term sobriety.
If you want to learn more about why being patient is so important in your recovery journey, this blog is for you.
Practicing Patience: What Patience Means for Sobriety as a Spiritual Principle
Even though everyone knows it's a virtue, sometimes it takes a lot of strength to be patient. This is especially true when battling an addiction.
Why is practicing patience critical for sobriety? Read on for our guide on patience and recovery.
Why is practicing patience critical for sobriety? Read on for our guide on patience and recovery.
Facing the Challenges of Sobriety With Honesty as a Spiritual Principle of Recovery
How Honesty Helps Through the AA Steps
How Honesty Helps Through the AA Steps
Alcoholics Anonymous boasts more than 2 million members across the world, with membership in about 180 nations. With so many people practicing the 12 principles of AA, it's important to understand your relationship with these principles.
Step 1 in AA is always one of the hardest steps to take, but once you've taken it, keeping your progress is just as difficult. One of the best ways to do so is to ensure you practice honesty in recovery.
But why is honesty so important, and what are the pitfalls that could break your honesty? If you're curious about the 12 principles of AA, we're here to help. Read on to learn more about the AA steps and how honesty applies to them.
Practicing Honesty in Your Everyday Life for Sobriety
Practicing Honesty in Your Everyday Life for Sobriety
Lying while in recovery or active addiction is incredibly common. It can happen as a result of fear, shame, or even resistance to change. Are you someone who found yourself lying to people you love while you were struggling with addiction?
You're not alone, and your behavior was understandable. Now, however, it's time to start being honest. Practicing honesty in recovery is hard, but it will change your life.
But how can you practice honesty in your daily life? Who should you be honest with first? We're here to answer some of your questions.
What Honesty as a Spiritual Principle of Sobriety Means
How Courage Helps Through the AA Steps
Practicing Courage in Your Everyday Life for Sobriety
What Courage as a Spiritual Principle of Sobriety Means
Facing The Challenges Of Sobriety With Hope
How Hope As a Spiritual Principle Helps Through The AA Steps
Practicing Hope As A Spiritual Principle In Sobriety In Your Everyday Life
What Hope Means For Sobriety
Acceptance and New Year Intentions for Sobriety
Acceptance is a major part of the decision to get sober and stay sober.
According to most sources, around 10% of the population deals with substance abuse at some point in their lives. It's a debilitating sickness that doesn't just affect the addict, it affects everyone around them. Deciding to get sober takes a lot of courage, as it's a lifelong battle.
How Acceptance, as a Spiritual Principle of Sobriety, Helps Through the AA Steps
Practicing Acceptance, as a Spiritual Principle of Sobriety, in Your Everyday Life
Addiction is a public health crisis in America, affecting nearly 50 million people.
Sobriety is an elusive thing for most addicts. For those on the outside, getting sober might seem so simple, but for an addict, it's a lifelong struggle.
What Acceptance Means for Sobriety as One of the Spiritual Principles
Setting Intentions for the New Year on Service as a Spiritual Principle of Sobriety
How Service Helps Through the AA Steps
Practicing Service in Your Everyday Life for Sobriety
What Service as a Spiritual Principle of Sobriety Means
Facing the Challenges of Sobriety With Self Discipline
How Self-Discipline Helps Through the AA Steps
It's wonderful news that over two million people are AA members worldwide.
The AA process is built around the famous 12-step program.
Practicing Self Discipline in Your Everyday Life for Sobriety
It's uplifting to know that 71% of people believe that self-discipline can be strengthened.
Staying sober is an admirable and life-changing goal for those who have struggled with addiction. Sober life recovery requires more than quitting the harmful habit.
What Self-Discipline Means for Sobriety as One of the Spiritual Principles
AA Chip Colors: What do They Mean?
Embarking on the journey to sobriety can often feel like an endless road with no clear destination. However, for members of the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) community, there are tangible tokens of progress and milestones achieved along the way.
5 Sobriety Tattoo Ideas to Celebrate Your Recovery
Almost 20 million American adults struggle with addiction, and it's a tough road to go on. Not only does the substance take over your life, but it also ruins all types of relationships, which can cause additional issues.
AA Anniversary Chips: How to Celebrate Sober Milestones
According to a recent analysis, Alcoholics Anonymous stands out as the most effective route to abstinence, proving to be 60% more effective than other methods. So, what keeps its members dedicated and focused on their sobriety journey? A significant motivator comes in the form of small, yet powerful symbols: the AA anniversary chips.
Navigating the Challenges of Sobriety With Integrity
Addiction can seem impossible to beat, but the truth is that 75% of people go on to make a lifelong recovery.
Emotional sobriety is a journey worth celebrating, and staying sober is an achievement that deserves recognition. For those on the path to recovery, every day is a milestone.
How the AA Principle Integrity Helps With Sobriety Through the Steps
Almost 220 million people 12 or older have tried alcohol at least once.
Are you trying to overcome addiction? The AA program has been a source of strength and guidance for countless people. One of the cornerstones of AA's approach to sobriety is its principles. Integrity holds a significant place among them.
Practicing Integrity in Your Everyday Life
It's beautiful to know that three out of four Americans believe they're fundamentally good people.
A cornerstone of living a fulfilling life is integrity. It involves being honest with yourself and others, making ethical decisions, and staying true to your values.
What Integrity Means for Sobriety
Life After Addiction: 4 Best Tips for Staying Sober
Over 20 million Americans over the age of 12 are affected by substance abuse. Most people believe getting sober and starting the journey is the hardest part, but it's just the first step in the process. Conquering substance abuse is a lifelong journey, and you have to use sobriety strategies to fight temptations constantly.
Detox 101: Exploring the Best Way to Detox From Alcohol Safely
According to the CDC, one in six American adults binge drink.
This is a shocking statistic because this type of alcohol consumption causes untold personal misery, familial turmoil, and health issues to millions of people every year.
Exploring Whether or Not You Can Die From Alcohol Withdrawals
Did you know that approximately 29.5 million Americans aged 12 or older experienced alcohol use disorder (AUD) in the past year?
How Long Does Alcohol Poisoning Last?
6 people die daily due to alcohol poisoning because of the toxic levels of alcohol in the system and what it does to the body. How long alcohol poisoning lasts is a question that many people have asked, and we're going to provide some information that will get you a step closer to that answer.
What Neurobiological and Psychological Processes Make Alcohol So Addictive?
One Day at a Time: A Sobriety Bracelet Is a Perfect Gift for Recovering Alcoholics
Approximately 18 million Americans have some type of alcohol use disorder. It contributes to myriad personal and professional problems, not to mention serious health risks.
For someone dealing with alcoholism, recovery is a challenging, ongoing process. They use various tools to commemorate and remind them of different levels of success
4 Heartfelt Sobriety Gifts for Those on the Path to Recovery
A recent study demonstrates that Alcoholics Anonymous is one of the most effective ways to get help and lead a sober life.
Recovery from addiction is a courageous and life-changing journey that deserves celebration.
How to Be Social Without the Reliance on “Liquid Courage”
Alcoholism. It is a disease and alcohol can end up being something that people get too dependent on.
When that happens, they tend to go to Alcoholics Anonymous. Currently, there are over two million people across the world that are members of that organization.
Stay Strong, Stay Sober: 5 Tips for Long Term Recovery
Have you heard that around 20 million Americans struggle with substance abuse issues?
Conquering alcohol and substance abuse is a challenging journey. The initial steps toward sobriety may be difficult, but you can't overlook the work that goes into maintaining long term recovery.
Why So Many Drink Coffee During Recovery From Addiction
Were you aware that 75% of Americans drink coffee every day?
One common ritual among those in addiction recovery is the consumption of coffee. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that drinking coffee has become a staple of the recovery process for many individuals.
The Best Books for Recovering Addicts
Have you ever heard that addiction takes a toll on over 20 million Americans?
Recovering from addiction is a journey that requires strength, support, and valuable resources. Professional treatment and peer support groups play vital roles.
Online AA vs. In-Person: What to Expect
Online AA meetings give you access to the resources you need anytime. A virtual AA meeting can be in various formats. For example, you'll find closed meetings for AA members only or open meetings that allow anybody to attend.
Best Gifts for Recovering Addicts
Have you heard that as many as 75% of people battling addiction can recover and enjoy healthy lives?
Addiction recovery is a challenging and lifelong journey, which is why celebrating milestones of sobriety is an essential aspect of the process.
The Relationship Between Alcohol and Depression
Some individuals can't seem to shake the feeling of being down, and even alcohol can't help them to overcome it.
The reality is, research shows that 4.7% of adults struggle with the feeling of depression regularly.
How Rehab Can Help Teach You To Abstain From Alcohol
Around 63% of American adults over 18 drink alcohol, so in our society, it's difficult to avoid these drinks.
4 Ways to Manage Your Triggers After Rehab
In the US, around 22% of the population over 12 used illicit drugs in the past year. Some are lucky enough to stop at experimenting, while others are less fortunate and develop dependence and addiction.
If you're in the latter group, but have gotten through rehab and are now sober, that's a huge accomplishment. However, your struggles won't stop here.
Does the AA Process Work if You’re Not Religious?
Are you ready to get help for your substance abuse problem?
For many people struggling with addiction, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has been a lifesaving program. Unfortunately, for those who don't subscribe to a particular religious belief, the idea of a higher power can be daunting.
How Being Around Sober Friends Can Help You Recover
If you are going through alcohol addiction, it can feel like a very dark road with no light at the end of the tunnel. However, it is important to remember that most Americans who experience alcohol addiction recover and go on to lead healthy and full lives.
5 Tips for Building Relationships After Recovering from Addiction
Dealing with addiction is complicated, and it can be hard. But it may even be harder after going through addiction treatment to get your feet back on the ground.
4 Ways to Help Others Overcome Alcohol Addiction
Approximately 14.5 million Americans have an alcohol use disorder, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Alcohol addiction can have a serious impact on a person's health and quality of life, as well as impacting the people around them, including friends and family members.
How to Overcome Alcohol Cravings in the First Days of Sobriety
People recovering from alcohol addiction report a wide range of symptoms, from night sweats and shaking to paranoia and brain fog.
This Is How to Find an AA Meeting in Your Area
With more than 123,000 Alcoholics Anonymous groups worldwide, the AA community is enormous and always open to new members.
What Are the Best Sober Activities?
75% of people who experience addiction recover, and this is fantastic news. You can have a full and fulfilling life while you're sober, but for someone who's new to sobriety, it can be frustrating to find things to do. There are so many sober activities, but so much of adult life seems to revolve around alcohol.
What Can You Expect From an In-Person AA Meeting?
The Alcohol Anonymous model has spread around the globe, now boasting over 2 million members in 180 nations. However, many people still don't know what to expect from an in-person AA meeting. Knowing what to expect could encourage you to start going to AA meetings on your own.
What Are the Health Benefits of Staying Sober?
4 Ways to Stay Motivated During Addiction Recovery
Committing to addiction recovery is one of the most important steps you can take in building a better life for yourself. However, the journey is long and fraught with pitfalls. 85% of people who seek addiction treatment will experience a relapse within their first year.
The Different AA Coins Explained
Nearly 141,000 people in the U.S. die yearly from alcohol consumption. Alcoholism leads to cancer, liver problems, and many other health issues.
The Benefits of Group Therapy for Recovery
More than 21 million Americans struggle with addiction, although only about 11% of those individuals receive the care they need. One reason why that percentage is so low is that many don't know where to turn for help.
4 Ideas on How to Display Your AA Tokens at Home
3 Ways AA Tokens Can Strengthen Sobriety
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is one of the best-known groups for former addicts to come together and stay sober. Today, there are over 2 million AA members. Recovering addicts love this group. It's free and open to the public, and the supportive members help others stay sober.
How AA Coins Can Help Recovery Celebrations
AA is one of the most effective methods for getting sober.
If you're struggling with addiction, being able to talk to people who understand your battle is so important. AA gives you the infrastructure to lead a sober, joyous life with goals and landmarks along the way.
3 Things to Know About AA Jewelry
Recovering from alcohol addiction is a major accomplishment for those who struggle. Addiction alters and changes a person's entire life. Being able to overcome those struggles is something that needs to be celebrated.
3 Types of Recovery Coins for Those Battling Addiction
Online AA Meetings: Everything You Need to Know
Around one-third of alcoholics recover and stay sober. But a person's chances of recovering significantly increase when they seek help for their addiction.
How to Stay Motivated Through the AA Process
Going through the AA process will be the most worthwhile thing a person with alcohol addiction can do, but it's also very likely to be the single hardest thing you have ever done. Relapses are common, in fact, they're expected, over 85% of people getting addiction treatment will relapse within their first year of treatment.
How to Identify and Remove Addiction Triggers
Most people who have never suffered from addiction problems seem to think that the process of overcoming addiction is just a matter of quitting and moving on. This couldn't be further from the truth; in fact, nearly 85% of all addicts will relapse within their first year of treatment.
How to Support a Family Member in AA
Did you know that there are over 1.3 million people in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in the United States as of 2021? Being in AA is a step towards recovery, and people in it will need support.