10 Things You Should Know About Sober Dating

10 Things You Should Know About Sober Dating

While it might seem scary, dating is possible in your sober lifestyle! We're sharing the 10 things you should know about sober dating in this post. Click here!

Keyword(s): sober dating

A lot of people question whether it's possible or not to plan a date without drinks.

Today's dating world seems to revolve around a constant buzz, an obligatory drink that supposedly helps to ease nervous tension. The society has embraced drinks as a prerequisite for getting to know someone. 

But there are many benefits to living a sober lifestyle, which ultimately leads to a more rewarding dating experience.

So, Yes! Sober dating is possible, and it brings along a lot of benefits.

Before you think that your dating adventures will be over once you quit drinking, take your time to reflect on those 'epic' dates you had under the influence of alcohol. 

The hangovers, ridiculous battles with boyfriends, sharing of too much irrelevant information, and that awkward "Crap! What did I do last night."

So a goodbye to alcohol and all its attendant drama doesn't bid farewell to dating.

Instead, it opens up a door for you to meet the 'real guy' (albeit at the local coffee shop rather than at the next bar stool).

Sobriety is a wonderful experience, one that gives you a positive outlook on life. Read on to discover the life-changing lessons that you can learn from sober dating.

The 10 Things you should know about sober dating

While some people may find it hard to navigate the world of dating when sober, each day, more and more people are embracing a sobriety lifestyle. Today, statistics show that about 30% of Americans don't drink alcohol.

Here are the ten things you should know about sober dating, and why you should embrace it too.

1. Sober dates aren't lame

There is a common fallacy that sober dates are boring and out fashioned. After all, clubs and parties are the powerhouses of fun. 

The truth is, dates don't have to be at night. They don't also need to be at bars or coffee shops.

The best dates are the active ones. Choose to go biking, swimming, shopping, or engage in activities that are fun and don't involve drinks or substance abuse.

This way, your partner gets to know your true colors. The more of the things you do together, the stronger the bond becomes, and the more you get to know each other.

2. Sober dates don't let you spill your soul right away

The good thing about sober dating; you have full control of everything you do, and every word you say.

You can say as much or as little as you want. Sobriety doesn't even have to be a topic of conversation on your first date. You choose your topics wisely based on what you want to learn about your partner. 

There could be 'ugly' things you did while you were still a slave to alcohol that can taint your demeanor. Choose to avoid them so as to draw a positive picture of yourself.

On the other hand, when you are under multiple shots, the alcohol can 'speak' things that will unleash the demon in you.

3. Some people aren't worth it

Sober dating is not for everyone.

If a person you are dating reacts negatively to your sobriety, you are not obliged to make them fit in your profile.

There is nothing you can do when someone makes up their mind about you. Trying to show them that you are likable even though you don't drink is harmful to you and might not end well.

If a person you are seeing doesn't accept your sober lifestyle, that's a red flag that they might also not be interested in hanging out with you.

4. Sober dating lets you determine if you have a genuine chemistry with your date

It's only when you are sober that you can determine whether you have a real connection with the person you are dating.

Before a healthy and a sustainable relationship is possible, there have to be mutual interests. 

Sobriety helps to attest that it's not a mixture of cocktails that make you feel that way. 

5.  Sobriety helps you determine what you want to do with someone

Alcohol intoxication leads to blind dating. It impairs your judgment and precludes you from making the right decisions. 

Do I want a date to satisfy my sexual desires, to fit in, or am I looking for a potential life partner? Dating when sober can help you answer these questions.

One of the benefits of sober dating is that it prevents you from engaging in activities that you'd regret later. 

It keeps your date from going too far, barring you from doing things you'd only do under the influence of alcohol.

6. Lets you live a hangover free life

It's true that you'll never appreciate freedom until you are set free. And that's what sobriety brings to your life--freedom.

When someone you love lives a sober lifestyle, and they too love your sobriety, you'll want to adopt that lifestyle so as not to lose them.

Can you imagine the clarity and vision that comes with months and years of consistently waking up without hangovers? You'll be invigorated and get a new glimpse of life.

7. Lead an active lifestyle

When you remove alcohol out of your life equation, you begin to live a healthier lifestyle.

You become more active in activities that add value to your life.

You get attracted to sober girlfriends (birds of the same feather), and sober girlfriends know how to bombard your life with activities that will help you not die, like exercises and more.

8. Develop adventurous memories that make your connections deeper

Without substances, life with your partner becomes incredibly adventurous. 

Since there are no blackout nights, every adventure is a treasured memory.

And once your relationship becomes sweeter, everything else changes, ranging from your self-confidence to trust and how you present yourself before others.

9. Sober dating may lead to a Godly lifestyle

Sobriety brings your life and mind to reality. 

Sober people may not always have a spiritual realism, but they are ethical. They abide and live by the principals of what is right and wrong.

They will not walk around insulting (like drunkards) but will exude Godly love in all their doings.  

By dating a sober girlfriend, you may end up downloading a piece of heaven here on earth.

10. Saves money

Lastly, a sober date may lessen the pinch on your pocket.

Drinks are expensive. More to that, it will require you to impress her (the modern girl) with expensive cocktails for her to see your worth. 

But, with a sober date, you can save that money for other important things. 


Dating sober can build lasting relationships that are based on genuine experiences. 

Instead of lavishing your dates with expensive drinks, why not engage her in activities such as hiking, horse riding, and swimming that require absolute sobriety.

We hope you enjoyed reading the piece, feel free to comment and share. 

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